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«2017 2018 2019 »
31 captures
21 Oct 17 - 5 May 20
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The eleventh Science Café in Brussels, an unconventional open discussion with scientist, took place on 23 October 2018 in the Pilsen House in Brussels. The main guest was Tomáš Jungwirth, a recognized scientist in the field of Spintronics from the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

The fields of expertise of Tomáš Jungwirth are condensed matter physics, materials science, electronic properties of nanostructures, quantum Hall effects,...

Pavla Štenclová, Ph.D., from the Department of Optical Materials of the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences received the Austin Barnes´ Prize for the best poster called "ATR-IR real-time monitoring of biofilm formation during bacterial growth" presented at the EUCMOS 2018 Conference (XXXIV European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy) held in August 2018 in Coimbra, Portugal.

The presented results were obtained during the...

Dr Jaromír Chalupský, deputy head of the Department of Radiation and Chemical Physics (Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague), has been awarded the FELs of Europe Award on Photon Transport and Diagnostics 2018 for an excellent contribution to the photon diagnostics of free electron lasers, the guidance, characterisation and adjustment of laser beams and to the FEL instrumentation in general.


The fifth summer school SFEL 2018 – School of XFEL and Synchrotron Radiation Users (27-31 May 2018) organized by the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University (Košice, Slovakia) in collaboration with the European XFEL (Schenefeld, SRN) and other institutions was held in a small village Liptovský Ján, which lies on a beautiful foothill of the Low Tatra mountains in Slovakia. The school organized a competition for the best presentation given by a young scientist. RNDr. Vojtěch...

PhD student Ing. Ondřej Szabo won the 1st place in the Best Young Researcher Contribution Contest at the International Conference on Progress in Applied Surface, Interface and Thin Film Science (Surfint-SREN V), which took place in November 2017 in Florence. Over 60 young scientists took part in the competition this year.

In December, Ing. Szabo was awarded the 1st prize for the best poster at the...

Researchers of the Institute of Physics of the CAS and University of Vienna work together on novel graphene-diamond heterojunctions within the project supported by the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) and Austrian Science Fund (FWF). While the energy bandgap of 5.5 eV in the diamond electronic structure leads to the electrical resistivity as high as 1018 Ωm, graphene shows a zero bandgap at Fermi level behaving as a semimetal with extraordinary electronic...

The International Young Physicists Tournament took place in Singapore from 5th to 12th July 2017. The Czech team won a silver medal in a competition of 31 teams from all over the world. The Czech Republic was represented by students from Mendel secondary school in Opava who won in the national competition. Employees of the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Dr. Hynek Němec, Dr. Zdeněk Janů and Dr. Karel Výborný, were among the organizers of the...

PhD student Petra Matunová from Institute of Physics CAS and Department of Physics at CTU FEL presented a poster entitled "Computing interfacial properties of polypyrrole on diamond nanoparticles for photovoltaic applications" at the International Workshop on Computational Nanotechnology (IWCN 2017, Windermere, UK). This poster was announced by the organizers as one of the five best student posters of the...

The prize for the Best Young Researcher Contribution Content was awarded to postdoctoral researcher Ing. Tibor Ižák, Ph.D during the international conference on thin films, surfaces and interfaces (Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces, SSSI), which was held from 21 until 24 November in Piestany, Slovak Republic. SSSI 2016 consisted of 26 invited lectures (from total 31 lectures) and...

Mgr. Ing. Neda Neykova, Ph.D., received the 2015 Rector’s Award of the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague for outstanding doctoral thesis. Her doctoral thesis is titled ZnO nanocolumns for thin film silicon solar cells with high efficiency. Neda Neykova was a PhD student both at CTU under the supervision of prof. Ing. Zdeněk Bryknar, and at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences under the supervision of RNDr. Milan...
