The objective of the project is to make a comprehensive, theoretically framed, and empirically grounded, context-based description of the transformation of housing conditions in the CR after 1990, including both the identification of the main causes of this development and an analysis of its effects on social inequalities and market risks. In the area of inequalities the project focuses on housing affordability, the residential property distribution, access to housing, and extreme forms of inequalities (social exclusion). In the area of market risks the project focuses on risks arising from the growth in the level of homeownership, the mortgage market development, and the "manipulation" of housing demand. The goal is also to evaluate current tools of state housing and monetary policy, whether they effectively limit the growth of social inequalities that are a threat to sustainable economic development and social cohesion, whether they limit the growth of market system risks, and to make general recommendations for changes in this fields.
The project is supported by the Grant agency of the Czech Republic, the head of the project is Ing. Mgr. Martin Lux, Ph.D. The project started in 2009 and ends in 2011. Read more...
Project publications (total 39, displaying 11 - 20)
The chapter aims to answer following research questions: (1) Whether among homeowners repaying mortgage loans significantly increased after 2005 (i.e. in the period of house price boom) share of low-income households. (2) Whether in the same time increased share of risky mortgage products (i.e. mortgage loans with LTV equal or higher than 100%, "interest-only" mortgages, mortgages denominated in foreign currencies etc.) in portfolios of the Czech mortgage providers.
In situation, when Czech government is not willing and has not sufficient financial means for building cost-based social rental housing, the future of rental housing in the Czech Republic is necessarily connected with private rental housing. The chapter includes description of history of private rental housing and focuses on following questions. What is contemporary status of private rental housing in the CR? Is there a chance that it would become alternative to owner-occupied housing?
Main goal of the chapter is to find out, how could be selected housing policy tools adjusted (or altered) to meet following criteria: anti-cyclical behaviour, tenure neutrality, wealth redistribution towards households (or individuals) in need. The authors focused on following tools: property tax, housing allowance and tax relief.
Monografie Standardy bydlení 2010/2011 je již pátou v řadě monografií se stejným názvem, ale různým vročením, vydaných Sociologickým ústavem AV ČR, v.v.i.; předcházející monografie byly vydány v letech 2003, 2004, 2005 a 2008.
Monografie Standardy bydlení 2010/2011 je již pátou v řadě monografií se stejným názvem, ale různým vročením, vydaných Sociologickým ústavem AV ČR, v.v.i.; předcházející monografie byly vydány v letech 2003, 2004, 2005 a 2008.
The book contains a description and evaluation of the housing system reform in the Czech Republic constituting part of the transition from centrally planned to market economy. It addresses two goals: to evaluate housing subsidy reforms by applying improved methods of welfare economics and, secondly, to list the main factors explaining the particular outcomes of this reform.
The goal of this article is to describe the development of private rental housing after 1990 in the Czech Republic and to demonstrate the significance of state regulations on people’s expectations, social norms, and thus the form of housing systems emerging in transition countries.
First, the article sets out to determine whether significant differentiation of housing consumption occurred and social stratification became linked to stratification by housing consumption. Second, in relation to these findings on stratification, Czech households were segmented into 12 segments. The article then makes some general prognoses for each household segment regarding the number of households in selected tenures development for 2020.