The Manuscript Studies (StR) Editorial Board requests authors to comply with the following principles when submitting contributions:

  • Please submit texts in digital format (i.e. on a CD or as an e-mail attachment) as DOC or RTF files. Unless agreed otherwise with the Editorial Board, articles should not exceed 30 standard pages in length (1 standard page = 1,800 characters including gaps).

  • Any attachments should be sent as separate files. We recommend that you consult the Editorial Board individually over the way in which this material is to be delivered. Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright and reproduction rights to attached illustrations.

  • Articles are to be accompanied by an English abstract no more than 1,300 characters (approx. 15 lines) in length, 3-5 keywords and a résumé in German (approx. one standard page). Material for an abstract and résumé may also be sent in Czech.

  • For studies and material contributions the author's contact address (ideally at work) and an e-mail address should be supplied.

  • All contributions included in Articles, Short Articles, Materials and Manuscript Bohemica from abroad are assessed anonymously by two reviewers. On the basis of their statement the manuscript is accepted for publication, returned to the author for rewriting or entirely rejected. If the text is substantially rewritten then another review procedure round takes place. The final decision on publication of the text is in the hands of the journal's Editorial Board.

  • No fees are paid for contributions to StR. The author is to receive one copy of StR and an offprint (pdf).

  • Authors have a right to authorial editing; no substantial changes are permitted in the text during editing without the agreement of the Editorial Board.  

  • Authors are fully responsible for the correctness of the content and the linguistic standard of the manuscript.

  • The Editorial Board reserves the right to make editorial alterations with the agreement of the author.


  • Please keep to a minimum of layout and text formatting. Use the following style: basic text or normal; font: Times New Roman, 12 points, spacing: 1.5. Do not divide words and do not align the text. Enter footnotes using Insert / Footnote.

Citation of bibliographical details in the notes

  • The author's Christian name should first be cited in unabridged form. Years and volumes of periodicals are to be given in Arabic numerals, while individual parts of multi-volume works and publications are to be given in Roman numerals. If documents in publications are numbered, a number is to be given beside the individual pages.


Pavel Spunar, Kultura českého středověku. Praha 1985, s. 192–195.

Repetition: P. Spunar, Kultura českého středověku, s. 19.

Repetition: Tamtéž, s. 15.

Ivan Hlaváček, Z každodennosti Karla IV. a jeho dvora, ČČH 90, 1992, s. 33–42.

Pavel Brodský Marta Hradilová Stanislav Petr Marie Tošnerová, Rukopisné fondy muzeí a galerií v České republice. Praha 2001.

Karel Stejskal, Kanovník Beneš a počátky gotického malířství v Čechách. In: Pocta Dr. Emmě Urbánkové. Spolupracovníci a přátelé k 70. narozeninám. Praha 1979, s. 357.

  • In citations of archive or manuscript material the name and location of the archive (or library) headquarters, the fonds name and the shelf number or inventory number of the source are to be given.

Model: Národní archiv (NA) Praha, Benediktini Břevnov, sign. I 7, inv.č. 54.

  • When citing from web pages please quote the author, text title, type of medium ([online],[CDROM],[disk]), website owner, date, when the citation was taken (ideally, the date of the last update of the pages) and a full internet address (for online documents).


Eva Bratková, Bibliografické odkazy pro seznamy a citace. Oficiální výukové stránky Ústavu informačních studií a knihovnictví FF UK [online]. c1996-2003, aktualizace 5. 2.2003 [citováno 26. 11. 2004]. Dostupné z www:


  • Review procedures are anonymous on both sides.

  • All contributions included in Articles, Short Articles, Materials and Manuscript Bohemica from abroad are assessed anonymously by two reviewers. On the basis of their statement the manuscript is accepted for publication, returned to the author for rewriting or entirely rejected. If the text is substantially rewritten then another review procedure round takes place. The final decision on publication of the text is in the hands of the journal's Editorial Board.

  • The reviewer is to fill in Sections B and C of the review form with his or her assessment. (Section A is only used for editorial record-keeping purposes). Section B is to be completed with an assessment of the contribution for the Editorial Board. The assessment is to be clearly indicated in the chart:

a) Publication in present form recommended

b) Publication with incorporated comments recommended

c) Substantial rewriting and resubmission for review recommended

d) Offer of article to another journal recommended

e) Publication not recommended

Any comments for the author of the contribution to be written in Section C. Section C to be sent to the author after completion of the review procedure.

  • The author is to be informed of the review procedure results as quickly as possible.