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Zdroje historického vědomí raněnovověkých měst JAN LINKA V útulném konferenčním sále s výhledem do Husovy ulice se 28. května 2018 v Masarykově ústavu a archivu Akademie...
Liber viaticus LUKÁŠ PRŮŠALiber viaticus, cestovní breviář Jana ze Středy, je unikátní památkou české středověké knižní kultury. Rukopis,...
Konáč v protipikartské polemice JAN PIŠNA Český intelektuální svět přelomu 15. a 16. století byl vázán a téměř výhradně soustředěn na náboženské...

This Department was established 1st May 2010. Its members focus on research into Czech literature from the mid-18th century to the beginning of the 20th century in its Central European context. Within the Departmental research programme, they are involved in the publication of contemporary works, sources on Czech literature and culture and hard-to-find or hitherto unorganized major works from the history of the field (complete editions ofRukopis královédvorského a zelenohorského [the Dvůr Králové and Zelená Hora manuscripts] in the Česká knižnice series /2010/, O českou literaturu naukovou [On Czech Scientific Literature] /Academia, 2012/, M. Otruba: Hledání národní literatury[In Search of National Literature] 2012/); they arrange specialist lectures, interdisciplinary conferences and colloquia (e.g. they helped to organize the conferenceK. J. Erben and the role of memory institutions in times of historical changeto mark the bicentenary of the poet's birth /2011/, and they took part in the conference Jung Prag und die Frühlingsgeneration /2011/, a Plzeň symposium on 19th century issues /2013/). They are also involved in the Institute of Czech Literature seriesLiterature for Download(K. J. Erben 1811-2011 /2011/, Jaroslav Vrchlický 1853-1912-2012 /2012/ exhibitions).


Team projects

The second life of the manuscripts in 19th century Czech literature and culture

The objective of this project (a 2011 departmental task), which carried on from an edition of works for Česká knižnice, is to describe on the basis of individual surveys in an intertextual context the setting of the Dvůr Králové and Zelená Hora manuscripts within Czech National Revival literature and the subsequent reception of these works in 19th century Czech literature and culture. It also includes an analysis of attempts made to write a Czech epic, as well as the broader context behind the initial reception of the manuscripts and the permeation of their myth with other models of importance in the formation of 19th century Czech culture from the Central European perspective. The anticipated project output will be studies, interdisciplinary conferences and monographs with an annotated anthology of texts.

The project also included work on the publication of a set of studies with an anthology of texts entitled The Dvůr Králové and Zelená Hora Manuscripts and Czech Scholarship I (1817-1885), which presents the changes in the attitude of Czech society towards the manuscripts between 1817 and 1885 within the broader framework of contemporary manuscript reception. Both manuscripts are understood to be one of the most important European hoaxes in the style of the Songs of Ossian by James Macpherson. Above all, on the basis of primary texts this collection documents in detail and studies (under the prism of scholarly or scholarly-discourse-related reception) how the “ancient” manuscripts operated in the creation of the modern Czech nation during the 19th century.


Grant projects:

The Terminology of Literary Realism (M. Hrdina, GA ČR 2012–14)

The objective of this project is to provide a coherent summary of the critical and literary studies discussion over realism in the Czech context. The project researcher deals with usage of the term “realism” in assessments of literature, particularly in the 19th century, as well as the terminology options for realist trends in the literary studies works of various methodological schools, and in conclusion he endeavours to distinguish and describe basic types of discourse on realism in Czech literature. The project also includes a presentation of critical discussions over realism in the form of a publication.


Discursivity of 19th century literature in the Czech-Slovak context (departmental task, GA ČR 2012-16)

This project, based on grant GA ČR P 406/12/0347, aims to create a detailed, methodologically clarified, synoptic model based on analytical studies of stabilization and changes in 19th century literary discourses, in a contrasting parallel Czech-Slovak form. Czech and Slovak literary histories were either written as quite independent and separate units, or in a spirit of national or Czechoslovakist ideology involving a uniform, integrated whole. The aim of the project here is to follow the development of two relatively independent yet associated structures emerging (from the literary viewpoint) from a fairly homogeneous starting point (the Czech-Slovak unity of literary speech at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries). For more details see http://ffju.genera-studio.net/.

Department members involved in the project are focusing on definitions of basic discourses, whose ongoing crystallization, merger, modification and conflict are followed by the project (classicism), along with studies on individual discourses (classicism, romanticism, realism and parnassianism).

Department members have collaborated on collective monographs edited by D. Tureček: Czech literary romanticism: a synoptic-pulsational model of a cultural phenomenon (2012), with chapters entitled: The literary-history term 'romanticism', Romanticism in Czech literary history (M. Hrdina), The literary image of the glorious past in early reception of the manuscripts and The constitution of the myths of national literature (I. Krejčová).

Members of the Department are currently also involved in:

  • a discussion over the form of the humanities and their organization in the last quarter of the 19th century (Kateřina Piorecká)
  • the creation of modern Czech verse at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries in the Central European context (Dalibor Dobiáš)
  • the work of A. V. Kraus and the origins of Czech Germano-Bohemist studies (Václav Petrbok)
  • Czech literary realism and parnassianism and its period reception (Michal Fránek)
  • literature in the second half of the 19th century and the terminology of literary studies (Martin Hrdina)
  • the changing face of the epic in 19th century Czech literature and the concept of the national myth in the Czech-German context in the first half of the 19th century (Iva Krejčová)
  • a critical edition of the novel by Karel Sabina King Ferdinand the Good and his times (Michal Charypar)



Departmental members: