Jiří Svoboda

Jiri Svoboda

email: jiri.svoboda@asu.cas.cz
phone: +420 226 258 428

I am a researcher at the Prague Relativistic Astrophysics Groupof the Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences. I got PhD from Charles University in Prague in 2010.In 2011–2013, I was Research Fellow in the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) of the European Space Agency ESA in Madrid (Spain). 

My research focuses on black holes in active galactic nuclei and X-ray binaries. I study radiation coming from the closest neighbourhood to a black hole where the space-time is curved due to extremely strong gravity and also frame-dragging if the black hole is rotating. The angular momentum (spin) is very important characteristics of the black hole telling us about its formation and also about the accretion history. Black holes are not only eating the surrounding matter, large outflows (jets, winds) are observed together with accretion.I'm keen to understand these phenomena as well. If you are interested at my scientific work you may find my publications here: Papers 

Besides research, I am also interested in teaching and public outreach of our scientific activities. I am always glad to talk to public audience during Open Days at our Institute (usually within the Week of Science and Technology in November), meetings organised by ScienceToGo! or any other. Recently, we have prepared exhibition about our collaborations within ESA, ESO and EU (Ad Infinitum, find videoshere).

At the institute, I am responsible and contact person for space projects. Please contact me if you are interested in collaboration or in more information.