Seminars archive

Introduction to multi-dimensional cosmology I.

Tomas Dolezel

LSST – The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope

Michael Prouza

Galaxy pairs in compact groups

Ibrahim Selim

Supernovae astrophysics from Middle Age documents

Andrea Martocchia

The Status of Pluto

Leah Jakaitis

Stochastical modeling of accretion dics variability

Tomas Pechacek

Walk through XSPEC

Matteo Guainazzi

Current status of the relativistic 'ky' model

Michal Dovciak

Walk through SAS

Matteo Guainazzi

An XMM-Newton catalogue of radio-quiet AGN

Stefano Bianchi

X-ray spectral variability and the 'rms' characteristic

Gabriele Ponti

Analysis of X-ray sources in the MKN 205 field

Badie Korany

Analysis of the thermal emission component in Gamma-Ray Bursts

Asaf Pe'er

Distance to the Warm Absorber

Agata Rozanska

Formation of star clusters and feedback from massive stars

James Dale

Numerical simulations of binary star formation

David Hubber

A new principle of relativity

Fernando de Felice

Hydrodynamic simulations of star formation -- early evolution of clusters of protostellar discs

Spyridon Kitsionas

Analogue gravity phenomena

Tapas K. Das

Observations of feedback and triggered star formation in OB associations

Thomas Preibisch

Lecture Day: Topics on Galactic Center

Andreas Eckart, Rainer Schoedel, Leonhard Meyer, Mohammad Zamaninasab

Active Galactic Nuclei and Ultraluminous X-ray sources: "The answer is blowing in the wind"

Anabela Goncalves Darbon

Determination of the mass distribution in the Galactic Centre from stellar motions

Jaroslava Schovancova

Microwave high-resolution spectroscopy in Prague and its astrophysical context

Stepan Urban

Detection of cosmic rays of extremely high energy

Martina Bohacova

Modelling an accretion disc stochastical variability

Tomas Pechacek

Winds in active galaxies

Bozena Czerny

Why, how and what to observe at European Southern Observatory

Michael Prouza