prof. PhDr. Stanislav Stuchlík, CSc.

phone: +420 515911138
department: Brno
The leading specialist in the Early and Middle Bronze Age and prehistoric burial rites in general. He has headed major research projects in Borotice, Moravská Nová Ves – Hrušky, Mušov and Šumice. For many years now he has been the head of the Department of Prehistory of the Institute of Archaeology in Brno, as well as working as a university lecturer.
After studying Archaeology at the University of Brno he worked for the museum in Zlín; in 1972 he joined the Institute of Archaeology in Brno, where he has headed the Department of Prehistory since 1984. He lectures at the Silesian University in Opava and Masaryk University in Brno. He is the co-editor of the new series of Pravěk (Prehistory) magazine, a member of scientific boards and committees for habilitation and professorial proceedings and for the defence of candidacy and doctoral works in the field of archaeology. He has designed or has helped to set up a number of exhibitions, and is the author of eight monographs and almost 200 specialised articles and publications.