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Vojtěch Bližňák
Function: | Scientific Secretary |
Position: | Research Scientist | Email: |
Phone: | +420 272 016 051 |
Room: | 121 |

- 2002-2005 – Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Faculty of Science, University of Ostrava
- 2005-2007 - Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague (M.S.); Diploma thesis title: “The analysis of short-term rainfalls and their relationship to orography of the Czech republic”
- 2010 – Rigorosum (RNDr.); Diploma thesis accepted as a rigorosum thesis
- 2007-2011 – Physical Geography and Geoecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague (Ph.D.); Doctoral thesis title: “The exploitation of remote sensing measurements for the analysis and development of rainfalls”.
Study and research fellowships:
- 2006/2007 – Faculty of Geography and development, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France (study fellowship, 5 months)
- 2009 – National Centre for Meteorological Research, Météo-France, Toulouse, France (doctoral research fellowship, 3 months)
- 2013 – Dom Luiz Institute, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal (postdoctoral research fellowship, 10 months)
- 2017 - Hebrew University in Jerusalem, The Fredy and Nadine Herrmann Institute of Earth Sciences, Jerusalem, Izrael (short-term research visit, 2 weeks)
Employment and academic experience:
- 2008-present: Department of Meteorology, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic
- 2017-present: Section editor of Atmospheric sciences in Elsevier Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences
Professional interests:
Improvement of nowcasting of dangerous convective phenomena accompanying severe convective storms
Satellite and radar meteorology and their application in precipitation estimates and weather forecast
Analysis of spatiotemporal distribution of extreme precipitation events
Road meteorology
Selected publications:
- Müller, Miloslav, Bližňák, Vojtěch, Kašpar, Marek, 2018: Analysis of rainfall time structures on a scale of hours, Atmospheric Research, 211, Oct 1, pp. 38-51
- Bližňák, Vojtěch; Kašpar, Marek; Müller, Miloslav, 2018: Radar-based summer precipitation climatology of the Czech Republic, International Journal of Climatology, 38, 2, pp. 677-691
- Sokol, Zbyněk; Mejsnar, Jan; Pop, Lukáš; Bližňák, Vojtěch, 2017: Probabilistic precipitation nowcasting based on an extrapolation of radar reflectivity and an ensemble approach, Atmospheric Research, 194, pp. 245-257
- Sokol, Zbyněk; Bližňák, Vojtěch; Sedlák, Pavel; Zacharov, Petr, jr.; Pešice, Petr; Škuthan, M., 2017: Ensemble forecasts of road surface temperatures, Atmospheric Research, 187, 1 May, pp. 33–41
- Bližňák, Vojtěch; Sokol, Zbyněk; Zacharov, Petr, jr., 2017: Nowcasting of deep convective clouds and heavy precipitation: Comparison study between NWP model simulation and extrapolation, Atmospheric Research, 184, pp. 24-34
- Sokol, Zbyněk ; Bližňák, Vojtěch ; Zacharov, Petr, jr. ; Skripniková, Kateřina, 2016: Nowcasting of hailstorms simulated by the NWP model COSMO for the area of the Czech Republic, Atmospheric Research, 171, pp. 66-76
- Bližňák, Vojtěch ; Valente, M. A. ; Bethke, J. , 2015: Homogenization of time series from Portugal and its former colonies for the period from the late 19th to the early 21st century, International Journal of Climatology, 35, 9, pp. 2400–2418
- Sokol, Zbyněk ; Zacharov, Petr, jr. ; Sedlák, Pavel ; Hošek, Jiří ; Bližňák, Vojtěch ; Chládová, Zuzana ; Pešice, Petr ; Škuthan, M., 2014: First experience with the application of the METRo model in the Czech Republic, Atmospheric Research, 143, -, pp. 1-16
- Bližňák, Vojtěch ; Sokol, Zbyněk ; Pešice, Petr, 2014: The application of Rapid Scan data to the Convective Rainfall Rate algorithm from SAF NWC for the area of the Czech Republic, Atmospheric Research, 144, 1, pp. 82–94
- Bližňák, Vojtěch ; Sokol, Zbyněk, 2012: The exploitation of Meteosat Second Generation data for convective storms over the Czech Republic, Atmospheric Research, 103, -, pp. 60-69
- Mahfouf, J. - F. ; Bližňák, Vojtěch, 2011: Combined assimilation of screen-level observations and radar-derived precipitation for soil moisture analysis, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 137, 656, pp. 709-722
- Sokol, Zbyněk ; Bližňák, Vojtěch, 2009: Areal distribution and precipitation-altitude relationship of heavy short-term precipitation in the Czech Republic in the warm part of the year, Atmos. Res., 94, pp. 652-662
- OPVVV, CRREAT, 2017-2022. Investigator: Kolmašová, I., Team: Santolík, O., Sokol, Z., Minářová, J., Pešice, P., Bližňák, V., Zacharov, P.
- GAČR 17-23773S, Extremita a prediktabilita srážkových událostí v závislosti na jejich vlastnostech, atmosférické cirkulaci a termodynamických podmínkách, 2017-2019. Investigator: Müller, M., Team: Kašpar, M., Bližňák, V., Zacharov, P., Kvak, R.,
- OPPPR CZ.07.1.02/0.0/0.0/16_023/0000117, Předpověď teploty a stavu povrchu silnic na území Prahy pro zimní období, 2017-2018. Investigator: Řezáčová, D., Team: Zacharov, P., Bližňák, V., Sedlák, P., Pešice, P., Pop, L.
- MZE. QJ1520265, Variability of Short-term Precipitation and Runoff in Small Catchments and its Influence on Water Resources Management, 2015–2017. Investigator: Müller, M., Team: Bližňák, V., Kašpar, M. Details
- MŠMT. LD11044, Methods for validating numerical prediction of convective precipitation – the evaluation of the efficiency of physical parameterizations, 2011-2014. Investigator: Řezáčová, D., Team: Bližňák, V.; Pešice, P.; Sokol, Z.; Zacharov, P. Details
- TA ČR. TA01031509, Forecasting system for the forecast of road surface for the Czech Republic, 2011-2014. Investigator: Sokol, Z., Team: Bližňák V., Sedlák P., Pešice P., Chládová Z., Zacharov P., Fišer O., Hošek J., Řezáčová D. Details
- COST. ES0905, Basic Concepts for Convection Parameterization in Weather Forecast and Climate Models, 2010-2014. Investigator: Řezáčová, D., Team: Bližňák, V.; Pešice, P.; Sokol, Z.; Zacharov, P. Details
Sport (running, biking, swimming, etc.), travelling, culture, etc.