PhDr. Hana Florianová

Foto pracovníka Hana Florianová
+420 234 612 326

Department of Medieval Lexicography

Research focus

  • Medieval Latin Lexicography
  • Medical Terminology
  • Medieval Medicine - editions, translations and studies, study of medical texts in medieval manuscripts


1981-1986 Faculty od Arts, Masaryk University (earlier J. E. Purkyně University) in Brno, Latin-Czech, 1986 doctors´ degree (Doctor of Philosophy, PhDr.) on Masaryk University, Brno

Employment history

Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences:

1986-1990 research stay (supervised by dr. A. Vidmanová) - medieval Latin literature, especially preparing editions of Iohannes Hus´ tractates and sermons

1990 - ... : medieval Latin lexicography (Latinitatis medii aevi lexicon Bohemorum)



Participation in the grant project GA ČR 401/97/0374 (main researcher prof. Lenka Karfíková, Palacký University, Olomouc, co-researcher dr. Hana Šedinová, PhD., Centre for Classical Studies of CAS, Prague) "Texts on the history of medieval thought I".


Participation in the research programme MŠMT ČR LN00A011 (main researcher prof. Lenka Karfíková, Palacký University, Olomouc, co-researcher prof. Jana Nechutová, Masaryk University, Brno, and dr. Hana Šedinová, PhD., Centre for Classical Studies of CAS, Prague) "Center for patristic, medieval and renaissance texts".


Participation in the resarch programme MSM 6198959202 (main researcher prof. Pavel Floss, Palacký University, Olomouc) "Center for patristic, medieval and renaissance texts".


Participation in the grant project MŠMT LD 13043 "Slovník středověké latiny v českých zemích - Latinitatis medii aevi lexicon Bohemorum" (main researcher dr. Zuzana Silagiová, Centre for Classical Studies of CAS, Prague).


Participation in the grant project GA ČR 17-06326S (main researcher doc. Lucie Doležalová, Ph.D., Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague) "Creative Copies: The Miscellanies of Ulrich Crux de Telcz (d. 1504)".

Fellowships and research stays

1995 - Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch, München (short-term study, with the support of the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae)

1996-2014 - short-term studies: Katholiche Universität, Eichstätt (1996); Institut für Geschichte der Medizin, Freie Universität Berlin (2000); Warburg Institute, London (2001, 2004, 2005); Universitätsbibliothek, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Wien (2014)


Individual lectures within the following courses of Medieval Studies at the Institute of Greek and Latin Studies at the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University, Prague:

2012 "Lexikografický seminář" (Seminar of Lexicography) 

2014 "Slovní zásoba středověké latiny" (The Vocabulary of Medieval Latin)

2015 "Úvod do medievistických disciplín a témat" (Introduction in Disciplines and Themes of Medieval Studies) 

Conference papers and lectures abroad

2006 - Prague, "Das Wörterbuch als Inspiration": paper "Die medizinische Terminologie im Jessenius´ Werk Anatomia Pragensis (1601)"

2012 - München, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, "Fachsprache(n) im mittelalterlichen Latein": paper "Die Benennung und Klassifikation der Hautkrankheiten im Mittelalter"

Conference papers and lectures in the Czech Republic

2000 - Prague, symposium "Medieval scholar M. Cristannus of Prachaticz": paper "Křišťanův traktát o pouštění krve" ("Cristannus´ Treatise De sanguinis minucione")  

2002 - Prague, workshop "Infirmarium": paper "Minutio - pravidelné pouštění žilou" ("Minutio - the periodical bloodletting")

2006 - Prague, symposium "Johannes Jessenius and Anatomy in Prague": paper "Latina Jesseniovy anatomie a problémy překladu do češtiny" ("Latin language of Jessenius´ Anatomy and problems of his work translation to Czech")

2016 - Prague, "Lexikographische Matinee": paper "Die medizinischen Termini im Lexicon Bohemorum"

Current projects

1. The Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Czech Lands

2. Medical Terminology 

3. Research of the Medieval Medicine Texts in the manuscripts of the National Library Prague; Analysis of the Medieval Text Avicennae Canon abbreviatus

4. History of Natural Healing