Intranet Čeština

PhD positions / Master´s thesis


  • Available PhD positions
  • Master's thesis

Mitochondrial Physiology

Mitochondrial Physiology

PhD project: The role of immune system in pulmonary hypertension The main feature of pulmonary arterial hypertension is arterial wall remodeling towards thickening of vessel wall that leads to an increase of pulmonary arterial pressure, right ventricular hypertrophy, its failure and premature… More

Bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses

Functional Morphology

It is possible to develop a bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses on various topics related to the creation of mechanisms and pain syndromes at our department. Periferní a centrální mechanizmy bolestivých stavů Modulace nocicepce na míšní úrovni Úloha synaptické modulace při nociceptivním… More