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14 Jul 12 - 6 Oct 20
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 Mgr. Kateřina Adamovičová; adamovicova@ufa.cas.cz; phone: 272 016 012; room 21

 Mgr. Kateřina Potužníková, PhD.; kaca@ufa.cas.cz;  phone: 272 016 019; room 19

Opening hours:                                       Monday 1 pm-3.30 pm, Thursday 9 am-11.30 pm.

Please let us know in advance when you want to visit the library. You will be welcome even outside the opening times.


About us

The library was founded in 1961 to serve the researchers of the Institute and the public. It provides loan and research services and makes essential foreig electronic information resources available for users.

The printed book and journal section comprises about 7,000 volumes of Czech and foreign publications. Current specialised literature is constantly being added. The section also covers the history of the field, with titles from the 19th century.

The literature gathered by the library is relevant for: meteorology, climatology, aeronomy, upper atmosphere physics, space physics, and the protection of the environment (in particular the atmosphere) and other frontier disciplines.

The library registers publications by the scientists in relevant specialised databases (ASEP, RIV.

What we offer:

  • Access to electronic information resources on the computers in the reading room or offices
  • Access to published books and journals
  • Other library services (bibliographic research, information support)

We can help you:

  • Search for publications and loan them from other libraries
  • Prepare specific scientific articles
  • Learn to use the online library resources, including the catalogues and purchased databases
  • Search for literature on research areas you are interested in



Information for new users 

If you are a staff member, you automatically become a member of the library and are entitled to use all the services. To register, please see the librarian. After registration, you can immediately start borrowing the titles you are interested in.

Once your registration is confirmed, you can log in to your reader"s account. Then you will be able to check the status of your loans and extend them. You can also order our publications electronically.

As a staff member you have an obligation to register all your library journals and books at the library (see ASEP). We also expect you to inform us of all the books that you purchase for scientific purposes using grants received by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics. We can also arrange purchases for you.

If you are not a staff member, we will be happy to help you with the same range of services. To register, please bring your ID card. Registration is free.

For some publications where a scientist has borrowed a book for an unspecified term, the library will negotiate with the borrower to lend it to you. We look forward to seeing you!     

For more information for new users, see the left menu.


The printed book and journal section comprises about 7,000 volumes of Czech and foreign publications. Current specialised literature is constantly being added. The section also covers the history of the field, with titles from the 19th century