Workshop on Holographic Endoscopy - GATES

Last year there were established the two scientific teams dealing with issues related to holographic endoscopy, first team was set at ÚPT AVČR, the second was established at Leibniz-IPHT in Jena.

Holographic Endoscopy

The aim of the workshop, which took place in November 2018 (from 13 to 16), was to share the professional knowledge between the two teams and to establish a new collaboration between them.)
The workshop was accompanied by the lectures given by the leaders of the both institutions (Prof.Tomáš Čižmár, Prof. Pavel Zemanek, Gabriele Hamm) and a key foreign partner in neuroscience research (Dr Nathalie Rochefort of the University of Edinburgh).
The goal of holographic endoscopy is to develop equipment and methodology for in vivo imaging of deep brain neurons in their natural environment. The techniques are applied to living non-anesthetic animals.
This allows both, direct observation of neuronal processes at the level of dendritic mandibles (memory formation) as well as processes leading to the onset and progression of severe neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.
The GATES holographic endoscopy workshop was focus on planning the first experiments within living animal models at the ÚPT AVČR.

Collaborating workplaces:
    • Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien e.V.
    • Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences, The University of Edinburgh

The workshop was organized with the support of the AV21 project.

Workshop Holografická Endoskopie – GATES  Workshop Holografická Endoskopie – GATES  Workshop Holografická Endoskopie – GATES

