přednáška prof. F. Criado-Boado, 8.3.2018

Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Praha, v. v. i. si Vás dovoluje pozvat na přednášku Prof. Felipe Criado-Boado (Institute of Heritage Sciences – Incipit, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC): FROM LANDSCAPE TO MINDSCAPE: VISUAL COGNITION AND ARCHAEOLOGY. Přednáška se bude konat ve čtvrtek 8. března 2018 od 14.00 v knihovně ARUP, Letenská 4.

Pozvánka: PDF

Landscape constructions relies on the concept of space embedded in each socio-cultural formation. This has been substantially proved by years of research on landscape archaeology. However, is there any other effective way to study “space” beyond symbolic, cognitive or emotional archaeologies? This talk will examine how materializations of human practices relate to cognition and to socio-cultural contexts. Perceptual studies of prehistoric material styles, underpin the material engagement of mind by showing that the visual world fosters an engagement between doing, seeing, and designing through history.

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