New Directions in the Study of Elites
Shamus R. Khan
Pořádá Oddělení pro studium moderní české filosofie
- Abstrakt
In this lecture I outline some of the major challenges to research in this area and propose a series of theoretical and methodological pathways to address them. Theoretically I make four recommendations: (a) greater attentiveness to and specificity about the relationship between elites and power; (b) a clearer articulation of the relationships between elites and the varieties of capitalism; (c) far more attention to diversity within elites and the use of elites to understand forms of domination like white supremacy and masculine domination and (d) expanding beyond the orthodox form of Bourdieusian theoretical frameworks. Methodologically I outline how research using survey instruments, social network analysis (SNA) (and multiple correspondence analysis), interviews, ethnographic observation, experiments, archival research, administrative data and content analysis can each be deployed, built upon or redirected to help bring elites into greater focus.