
Ing. Jarmila Curtiss, PhD.

» Department of Strategic Studies

Jarmila Curtiss is a research fellow of the Technology Centre CAS. In this position she contributes to the following three research areas: (i) impact analyses of agricultural investment support with a focus on factor productivity; (ii) development of policy assessment methods; and (iii) analysis of alternative governance mechanisms for public goods provision in rural areas based on collective/community action and civil society.

Jarmila Curtiss is a graduate of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. In 2002, she received her doctoral degree in agricultural sciences (economics) from the Humboldt University of Berlin. After her PhD studies, she was awarded a Marie Curie post-doctoral Fellowship of the European Commission at the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies in Halle (Saale), Germany, where she subsequently continued in her scientific career in the position of a senior researcher till 2006. For the next two years, she worked on impact assessment of the Common Agricultural Policy at the Institute for Progressive Technological Studies (IPTS/JRC) in Seville, Spain. The following three years, Jarmila Curtiss spent in the USA, where she continued her research work as a consultant. During that time she also served as a visiting scientist at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh and was a Center Associate at the Center for Eastern European Studies at the University of Pittsburgh. In 2010, she returned to IAMO as a senior researcher, and in 2016-2017 she simultaneously worked as a research fellow at the University of Rostock. Currently, she is an Associate Member of the Institute for Food and Resources Economics at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.

In recent years, Jarmila Curtiss’ research interests have included farm structural development, particularly the development of agroholdings in transition economies (Czech Republic, Ukraine and Russia), the measurement of farm productivity, farm growth and investment /innovation behavior, price formation and imperfections on land markets, and rural development through initiatives of civil society.



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