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Past events

Seminář / Tuesday, 05.05.2009 10:00

Relaxor Ferroelectric Thin Films

Seminář / Thursday, 30.04.2009 10:00

The analysis of methods for elimination of high frequency dielectric losses in ITO cells

Seminář / Friday, 17.04.2009 09:00

Polar state and critical behavior in quantum relaxor Li doped KTaO3

Seminář / Thursday, 16.04.2009 15:00

Peculiar physical properties of ferroelectric superlattice thin films

Seminář / Tuesday, 17.03.2009 10:00

Pozoruhodný svět topologických poruch

Seminář / Tuesday, 01.01.2008 00:03

Database of past seminars (1995-2009)
