Akademie věd České republiky, 28.11.2018.
Unikátní laserové...
Hosting institution: Institute of Physics of the CAS
Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Project title: Laboratory of Nanostructures and Nanomaterials
Acronym: LNSM
LI's code: LM2015087
Responsible person: Antonín Fejfar
Termín realizace: 1/1/2016 - 31/12/2019
Total costs: 50,069,000 CZK
Webové stránky: http://lnsm.fzu.cz/en
Background description
LNSM is focused on enabling research and development of a wide spectrum of inorganic nanomaterials (semiconductors, metals and ceramics) and nanostructures (particles, wires, interfaces, monolayers, thin films, nanostructured bulks). Subjects include microelectronics, microcomponents and MEMS (MicroElectro-Mechanical Systems), nanoelectronics and spintronics, photovoltaics and hydrogen storage, photonic structures, carbon based thin films and nanostructures and materials and functionalised surfaces for applications in medicine (e.g. implants, sensors). LNSM offers thin film depositions, diamond thin films and nanostructures, carbon-based materials such as nanotubes or graphene and composites, bulk nanocrystalline metal-based alloys and composites and metaloxide nanoparticles. It also provides further patterning and device preparation by optical and electron-beam lithographies and by reactive ion etching, ion milling, contact metal deposition, and auxiliary technologies. Samples can be characterized and analysed by state-of-the-art microscopic techniques. LNSM has close links to other research infrastructures hosted by the Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic such as the SAFMAT, HiLASE and ELI Beamlines. In its activities, LNSM closely cooperates with CEITEC Nano and participates in European and worldwide networks such as IUVSTA (International Union of Vacuum Science and Technologies) or AVS (American Vacuum Society).
Future development
On the long-term horizon it will be necessary to make acquisitions of up-to-date instrumentation in order to maintain the leadership within its core areas. The research infrastructure has already been expanded by UHV atomic force microscopy at low temperature (1.2 K) and high magnetic field (3 T) for atomically resolved scanning probe research. Development of new devices will be enabled by the new MOVPE (Metal Organic Vapour Phase Epitaxy) for the preparation of a nitride semiconductor nano-heterostructures used in blue light emitting diodes and ubiquitous in electronic devices. It is also a basis for development of power and high frequency electronics and electronic applications for extreme conditions.
Socio-economic impact
LNSM offers unique services and expertise, which are used by numerous educational and research organizations, as well as companies contributing to the present and future high-tech industry.
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