In June 2008 CVVM investigated, how Czech citizens evaluate material living conditions of their households and economic situation in our country, as well. Survey on this theme was also carried out in Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.

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In June survey CVVM investigated opinions of Czech citizens on the level of unemployment in Czech Republic. Then respondents evaluated situation on labor-market in the place of their living and we also wanted to know their behavior in the course of finding of new job in the case of unemployment.

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In April survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR examined how Czech citizens see the financial situation of their households. They evaluated whether it is difficult to manage with their earnings, but also talked about attitudinal feeling of poverty. The survey also investigated whether it is difficult to meet some life requirements such as foodstuff, clothes and shoes, housing, water and energy, furniture, common non-food products, cultural and sport activities, health care and education.

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9 % of citizens regard taxation on high-income earners as high, 20 % say it is adequate and 61 % think it is low. Taxation on average-income earners is considered to be high by 47 % of respondents, adequate by 42 % and low by 4 % of citizens. Taxation on low-income earners was supposed to be high by 72 %, adequate by 18 % and low by 3 %. 75 % of respondents think that tax rate should be higher for high-income earners than for low-income earners.

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Government expenditure on social policy in general and in partial areas is evaluated as rather low than high. The exception is unemployment benefit, where number of those who consider government expenditure as low (27 %) is comparable to number of those who suppose it to be high (27 %) or who find it adequate (33 %). According to 32 % of respondents the government takes care of social situation in appropriate way while 58 % of respondents find the government's focus on social situation of citizens too low and 4 % of respondents suppose it to be exaggerated.

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Over 80 % of respondents agreed with support of flexible working time or with support of part time job for parents with little children, with marriage loan, with tax cut for people with children and with running of public nursery at every primary school. Approximately three quarters of people expressed support for child benefit rise, increase in number of kindergartens and common taxation of husband and wife.

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In October survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR probed, how Czech citizens view the financial situation of their households. They particularly evaluated, whether it is difficult to manage with their earnings, but also talked about attitudinal feeling of poverty. Then we wanted to know which from the given needs it is difficult to satisfy for Czechs. Finally respondents made noises about situation concerning some social conditions.

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As a part of June survey CVVM used some questions concerning current evaluation and expectation of near future development of country's economic situation and material living conditions of households. Within CEORG organization similar surveys are also regularly realized in Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. This press information offers comparison of their basic results.

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In June survey Centre for Public Opinion Research investigated what aspects of work life are supposed to be important or not for Czechs. Respondents were shown a list with 8 statements concerning employment and they were asked to say whether any of these aspects is “very important”, “rather important”, rather unimportant”, totally unimportant” for them. Economically active people also said whether any of these aspects concerns their current job.

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In June survey CVVM investigated problems of unemployment. We were interested in how Czech citizens evaluate current and future level of unemployment, their attitudes to difficulty of finding employment in a case of unemployment or the probability of job loss. Comparison with the results from previous surveys and sorting according to sociodemographic indicators are part of report as well.


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