Akademie věd České republiky, 28.11.2018.
Unikátní laserové...
The project is run within an international collaboration of more than 170 laboratories at CERN. Participation of the Czech Republic is financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR.
The ATLAS experiment in the European Laboratory for Particle Physics CERN is a unique experimental device designed to study physics distinctively beyond the present Standard model of elementary particles. The apparatus is operating at the LHC accelerator, where two beams of protons moving at opposite directions collide at energies of 6,5 TeV per beam. The construction of the ATLAS detector had been completed in 2008 and experiments started to take data at the end of 2009. In 2012, the experiments ATLAS and CMS announced a discovery of new particle with properties of longly sought Higgs boson.
The whole text »Experiment NOvA at Fermilab, USA, studies neutrinos; their oscillations, mass hierarchy and CP symmetry violation.
Neutrinos are the most abundant massive particle in the universe, but are still poorly understood. They flit through ordinary matter as though it weren’t there. The whole text »
Development of detectors represents an important activity of our Department. Recently we participated, among other things, in the development of
These research activities are supported by EU projects
Our Department participates, within the international CALICE Project, in the development of calorimetry for future particle physics experiments. Namely, the aim is to develop an instrumentation of calorimeters which would allow tracking particles inside the particle shower, their identification, precise localization etc. This calorimetry concept is denoted as Particle Flow Algortithms in the literature.
The Prague group developed, in cooperation with the ON Semiconductor company, silicon pad sensors for the SiW electromagnetic calorimeter. These sensors have been tested in our laboratory and mounted in the calorimeter prototype that have been irradiated in test beams at DESY, CERN and Fermilab. We have been intensely involved in evaluation of experimental measurements with prototypes and setting directions and priorities of future research program.
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MediPix detectors are the spin-off product from the research and development of silicon pixel detectors for particle physics experiments. These detectors find application in different other fields as roentgenography of biological samples, defectoscopy, material science, etc.
For the MediPix project we have designed special sensors which have been fabricated in ON Semiconductor, Czech Republic.
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The aim of the RD50 project in the European Centre for Particle Physics CERN is the development of radiation hard detectors for LHC experiments and subsequently for SLHC. For our laboratory the participation in the project was a supporting activity for our participation in ATLAS.
The whole text »We collaborate in the D0 experiment located at the TEVATRON accelerator at Fermilab (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) in Batavia, Illinois, U.S.A. TEVATRON was providing proton-antiproton collisions at center of mass energy up to 1.96 TeV, making it the most powerful accelerator before LHC. The accelerator was shutdown in 2011 and the analyzes of collected data still continue. The whole text »