Akademie věd České republiky, 28.11.2018.
Unikátní laserové...
String theory is the only known theory that consistently unifies all four fundamental interactions: the electromagnetic, gravitational and strong and weak nuclear forces. Its consistency with quantum mechanics makes it also the leading candidate for quantum gravity theory. String theory faces two major challenges which might be related to each other: it can allow our universe to have too many distinct physical properties (such as the masses and coupling constants of elementary particles) and therefore lack of clear experimental predictions. The second major challenge is a lack of proper non-perturbative formulation which would define the theory also in the regime of extreme quantum behavior such as at the beginning of our universe or deep within black holes.
The whole text »We play an active role in preparation and development of forward proton detectors for ATLAS experiment. Within a broader international collaboration we proposed to ATLAS to instrument regions 220m and 420m away from the interaction point with forward proton detectors. Installation of the detectors would increase The whole text »
The theoretical study and the experimental exploration of the internal structure of protons and neutrons (nucleons) have recently entered a new phase. Over the past 40 years an understanding of nucleons in terms of elementary constituents (partons, i.e. quarks and gluons) has gradually and successfully emerged. Much has been learned about the nucleon in terms of its “one-dimensional” parton structure, relevant when partons are assumed to move co-linearly with their parent nucleon, and encoded in the so-called parton distribution functions (PDFs). The whole text »
Study of heavy ion collisions at ultra high energies represents a hot issue in the contemporary nuclear and particle physics. A fundamental motivation for this study is to verify the prediction of the current theory of the strong interaction (called Quantum Chromo-Dynamics), which implies that at very high temperatures and very high densities of the nuclear matter, quarks and gluons should no longer be confined inside composite particles. Instead they should exist freely in a new state of matter known as quark-gluon plasma (QGP). The whole text »
Investigation of W/Z physics is relevant part of the research program of experiments at any hadron collider. The range of possible measurements is very wide: inclusive W and Z cross sections, W and Z differential cross sections as a function of transverse momentum and rapidity, more exclusive final states(with jets and heavy flavour jets), low-mass and high-mass Drell-Yan distributions, forward-backward asymmetry of Drell-Yan lepton pairs, lepton charge asymmetry in inclusive W boson productions and others. These measuments provide basic and more stringent tests of Standard model. The whole text »