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6 Aug 11 - 1 Feb 25
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Employees list: J

A | B | Č | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | Š | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Surname Jméno Tel. E-mail Workgroup
Jahnová Eva +420 585 238 729 jahnova@ueb.cas.cz Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics
Janáková Eva +420 585 238 708 janakova@ueb.cas.cz Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics
Janda Martin +420 225 106 816, +420 603 579 167 jandam@ueb.cas.cz Laboratory of Pathological Plant Physiology
Janečková Veronika +420 225 106 493 janeckova@ueb.cas.cz Station of apple breeding for disease resistance
Jarošová Monika +420 jarosovam@ueb.cas.cz Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics
Jelínková Adriana +420 225 106 425 jelinkovaa@ueb.cas.cz Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants
Jelínková Iveta 420 225 106 451 jelinkovai@ueb.cas.cz Laboratory of Pollen Biology
Jeřábková Hana +420 585 238 721 jerabkova@ueb.cas.cz Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics
Jindřichová Barbora +420 225 106 815 jindrichova@ueb.cas.cz Laboratory of Pathological Plant Physiology
Jordová Dita RD jordova@ueb.cas.cz Laboratory of Growth Regulators
Juříček Miloslav +420 225 106 410 juricek@ueb.cas.cz Station of apple breeding for disease resistance