Imaging facility (new web pages)
Confocal microscope (Zeiss 5 Duo) enable us provide 3D fluorescent studies in living cells.
In IEB are three robotic systems for analyzing plant objects.
Mass spectrometer
connected to 2D high resolution liquid chromatograph (2D-LC/MS).
Number of grants/projects: 107
- Biotechnological production of Vaccinium bracteatum and evaluation of its biological activity , MŠMT , Tomáš Vaněk
- Construction of BAC DNA libraries specific for chromosome 4AL, and positional cloning of gene for adult plant resistance to powdery mildew in wheat , GA ČR , Miroslav Valárik
- Construction of physical maps of the D genome of wheat using the chromosome-based strategy , MŠMT , Jaroslav Doležel
- Effects of drought and heat stress on polyamine metabolism in wild type and transgenic tobacco plants. , MŠMT , Milena Cvikrová
- Genotypová diverzita a morfologická variabilita populace Mycosphaerela graminicola, identifikace genů rezistence pšenice a studium obranných reakcí pro využití v kontrole braničnatky pšeničné , MZE NAZV , Lenka Burketová
- Signalling pathways in defence response of rape seed against serious pathogens , GA ČR , Lenka Burketová
- Transkriptom mutanta exo70A1 a buněčné funkce EXO70A1, podjednotky komplexu exocyst, u Arabidopsis thaliana , GA AV , Lukáš Synek
- Využití biotechnologických postupů pro zvýšení odolnosti řepky proti fomové hnilobě , MZE NAZV , Lenka Burketová
- Development and use of a DArT chip for breeding new cultivars of xFestulolium , MZE NAZV , Jaroslav Doležel
- Variability of Potato leafroll luteovirus (PLRV), improved reliability of its detection and utilization of transgenic resistance , MZE NAZV , Tomáš Moravec
- Alternative ways regulating intra- and extracellular concentrations and activities of isoprenoid cytokinins in plants , GA AV , Václav Motyka
- Application of metabolomics on observation of induced production of plant secondary metabolites , GA AV , Petr Maršík
- Biostimulátory a induktory rezistence biologického původu u obilovin a olejnin , MZE NAZV , Lenka Burketová
- Comet assay and cell array for fast and efficient genotoxicity testing (COMICS) , COMICS , Karel J. Angelis
- Comet assay and cell array for fast and efficient genotoxicity testing (COMICS) , COMICS , Karel J. Angelis
- Creation of resources for wheat genomics and map-based cloning of resistance genes from chromosome 7D , GA ČR , Hana Šimková
- Cytogenetic mapping of genome of meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) , GA ČR , David Kopecky
- Molecular organization and evolution of the 45S rDNA locus in banana (Musa spp.) , GA AV , Jaroslav Doležel
- Phosphatidylcholine - specific phospholipase C at the crossing point of stress signaling pathways. , GA ČR , Jan Martinec
- Phosphatidylcholine - specific phospholipase C at the crossing point of stress signaling pathways. , GA ČR , Jan Martinec
- The role of members of AUX/LAX gene family in auxin influx into plant cell. , GA AV , Klára Hoyerová
- Změny v projevu heteróze u kukuřice v důsledku sucha: proč kříženci reagují odlišně než rodiče? , GA ČR , Naďa Wilhelmová
- Targeted gene integration in plants: Vectors, mechanisms and applications for protein production (TAGIP) , TAGIP , Karel J. Angelis
- Targeted gene integration in plants: Vectors, mechanisms and applications for protein production (TAGIP) , TAGIP , Karel J. Angelis
- Supramolecular materials based on natural phytosterols for potential application in biology and medicine , MŠMT , Zdeněk Wimmer
Principal research fields in the Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IEB) are plant genetics, physiology and biotechnology.
In the field of genetics, the institute works on structural and functional genomics, induced mutagenesis and DNA repair or pollen molecular genetics.
Physiological topics include cell biology, hormonal and ecological control of plant growth and development, mechanisms of action of growth regulators, physiology of plant viruses and plant pathophysiology.