Česká televize ČT 24, 3.12.20182018.
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V. Korokin: Synthesis and Characterization of Phases with Apatite Structure
Samples of chemical formula M5(AO4)3X (where M = K, Na, Cs, Ca, Cd, Pb; A = S, Si; X = F, Cl, OH, ½O) were prepared by sintering in the range 1200-1300°C in air atmosphere. Samples were characterized by high temperature X-ray diffraction (HT-XRD), infrared spectroscopy (IR) and differential thermal analysis (DTA) to determine lattice parameters (and their temperature dependences) and thermal stability.
P. Holba: Analysis and Synthesis of DTA/DSC Curves
Thermoanalytical curve is a result of three different phenomena: heat transfer, equilibrium behavior and kinetic behavior. Any experimental curve should be corrected to eliminate the distorting effect of heat transfer. Correct equation of DTA/DSC curve can be used for the analysis of DTA/DSC outputs to solve the identification, thermodynamic or kinetic tasks. The method for synthesis of DTA/DSC curves using exact assumptions is proposed.
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