
Czech national node ot the ESS (European Social Survey)

Project duration: 
2016 - 2019

The European Social Survey (ESS) is an academically driven cross-national survey that has been conducted every two years across Europe since 2001. The survey measures the attitudes, beliefs and behaviour patterns of diverse populations in more than thirty nations. The ESS monitors following topics:

  • Citizenship, Involvement and Democracy
  • Immigration
  • Family, Work & Well-Being
  • Opinions on Health & Care Seeking
  • Economic Morality in Europe: Market Society & Citizenship
  • Personal & Social Well-being: Creating indicators for a flourishing Europe
  • The Timing of Life: The organisation of the life course in Europe
  • Welfare attitudes
  • Experiences and expressions of ageism
  • Trust in JusticeWork, Family and Well-being
  • Personal and Social Well-being
  • Europeans' understandings and evaluations of democracy
  • Social inequalities in health and their determinants
  • Attitudes towards immigration and their antecedents
  • Public Attitudes to Climate Change, Energy Security and Energy Preferences
  • Welfare Attitudes in a Changing Europe: Solidarities under Pressure
value orientations
sociological data
Grant agency: 
Government ministry project

Project publications (total 1, displaying 1 - 1)

Pospíšilová, Jaroslava, Krulichová, Eva a kol.

Globální svět čelí vážným společenským problémům, jejichž dopady můžeme vidět i v Evropě. Evropská unie, jejímž hlavním posláním je udržování míru a prosperity v rámci všech členských států, se ukázala být velmi nesourodým uskupením, které jen těžko nachází shodu na řešení komplexních problémů, jako je například i stále probíhající migrační krize.

trust/social cohesion, EU, value orientations, identity, crime, migration and mobility, civil society, politics (and political attitudes)
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication: