GA ČR Grantová Agentura České Republiky Will orchids reshape our understanding of genome-wide processes? Solving the enigma of progressively partial endoreduplication Čeština Physical map of wheat chromosome arm 7DS and its use to clone a Russian wheat aphid resistance gene Čeština Regulace kvetení u rodu Chenopodium studovaná pomocí transkriptomiky Úloha diacylglycerolu při toxickém působení hliníku u rostlin The role of auxin binding protein 1-mediated signaling in the control of vesicle trafficking in plant cells Phospholipid signaling and interaction with microtubule/actin cytoskeleton in biotic stress response of Arabidopsis thaliana, Czech Science Foundation Hunters or gardeners? Probing plant-microbe interactions in rootless carnivorous Utricularia from a transcriptomic perspective Integrating proteomic and genomic tools to contribute evolutionary processes across the plant kingdom with emphasis to the family of cytokinins Propojení proteomických a genomických přístupů při objasňování evolučních procesů napříč rostlinnou říší s důrazem na rodinu cytokininů Auxin transport and cytoskeleton in the morphogenesis of plant cells first previous 1 2 3(current) 4 5 next last
Will orchids reshape our understanding of genome-wide processes? Solving the enigma of progressively partial endoreduplication Čeština
Physical map of wheat chromosome arm 7DS and its use to clone a Russian wheat aphid resistance gene Čeština
The role of auxin binding protein 1-mediated signaling in the control of vesicle trafficking in plant cells
Phospholipid signaling and interaction with microtubule/actin cytoskeleton in biotic stress response of Arabidopsis thaliana, Czech Science Foundation
Hunters or gardeners? Probing plant-microbe interactions in rootless carnivorous Utricularia from a transcriptomic perspective
Integrating proteomic and genomic tools to contribute evolutionary processes across the plant kingdom with emphasis to the family of cytokinins
Propojení proteomických a genomických přístupů při objasňování evolučních procesů napříč rostlinnou říší s důrazem na rodinu cytokininů