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Division seminars

Thursday, 13.12.2018 14:00

Dr. Marcus Niechciol (University of Siegen, Germany)


Due to their extremely high particle energies (up to 10^20 eV), cosmic rays are ideally suited to search for New Physics, for example violations of Lorentz invariance. In the following, isotropic, nonbirefringent Lorentz violation in the photon sector is considered, specializing to the case of a photon velocity larger than the maximum attainable velocity of standard Dirac fermions. Up to now, Earth-based bounds on this type of Lorentz violation have been determined from observations of TeV gamma rays. A novel approach to test Lorentz invariance with improved...

Thursday, 13.12.2018 10:00

Pavel Chábera (Chemical Center, Lund University)

Abstract: Transition-metal complexes are widely used as photosensitizers and photocatalysts, and in light-emitting devices [Chem. Rev. 117, 10940 (2017)]. We have recently demonstrated first iron complex [FeIII(btz)3]3+ exhibiting room temperature photoluminescence from a charge transfer state and show that it has a 100 ps excited state charge transfer lifetime which is unprecedented for any iron complex [Nature 543, 695 (2017)]. This was characterized as a rare low-spin FeIII d5 complex with emission from a long-lived doublet ligand-to-metal charge transfer (2LMCT) state. Absence of...

Wednesday, 12.12.2018 16:00

Ortwin Hess (Imperial College London)

Nanoplasmonics and Metamaterials have in the last 15 years inspired scientists to think about photonics beyond traditional constraints imposed by natural materials in which light propagates to conceive functionalities such as subwavelength imaging and broadband ultraslow light. While most concepts have initially been demonstrated at longer wavelengths and for microwaves, they have continuously moved to optical frequencies and beyond. Embracing nonlinearity and (quantum) gain [1], exciting phenomena such as ‘dark-light’ [2] and cavity-free [3] nano-lasing and room temperature single...

Tuesday, 11.12.2018 15:00

S. Khmelevskyi (Center for Computational Materials Science, Vienna University of Technology,Vienna, Austria.)

Abstract: The magnetic materials might be sub-divided into the three major classes that requires special approaches and has specific problems, but also allowing for specific simplifications. This classes are magnetic insulators, 4f-metals with high degree of the magnetic moment localizations and d-metals and intermetallic compounds and alloys. For the first classes an important role of the correlation effects are evident, but quantum Heisenberg model with some modifications provide robust description of the finite temperature magnetic properties. The class of the d-metallic...