Sociologický časopis
Czech sociological review


Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 3/2018

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Obsah čísla


Kristýna Janurová:
The Unbearable Lightness of Moving: Czech Migrants Making a Home (or Not) in the UK [315]

Nikola Balaš:
Academia without Contention? The Legacy of Czechoslovak Ethnography and Folklore Studies in Czech Anthropology [343]

Tamás Keller:
The Mid-week Effect and Why Thursdays Are Blue: The Weekly Rhythm of Satisfaction in Hungary [371]

Vzpomínkové sympozium k pražskému jaru 1968

Marek Skovajsa:
Introduction to the Symposium Remembering Prague Spring 1968 [401]

Symposium Remembering Prague Spring 1968 (celá rubrika) [401]

Ágnes Heller:
1968 in Hungary [406]

György Lengyel:
Personal Notes on Story and History [410]

Vladimir Tismaneanu, Marius Stan:
The Prague Spring as Seen from Romania [414]

Jerzy J. Wiatr:
Hopes and Tragedy: The Prague Spring from a Polish Perspective [423]

Johann P. Arnason:
The Questions of 1968: Background, Context and Retrospect [429]

Jacques Rupnik:
Prague Spring 1968 at 50 [435]

Ilja Šrubař:
The Paradox of 1968 [442]

Hans Joas:
Shock in Florence [449]

William Outhwaite:
1968 in West Central Europe [452]

John A. Hall:
A Belated Education [456]

Richard Flacks:
A Revealing Journey to Bratislava in 1967 [460]

Stephen Turner:
The Prague Spring and the Illusion of Transformational Politics. In Memory of Fred Eidlin [464]

Zvláštní rubrika recenzních esejí na knihu Arlie Russell Hochschild „Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right“

Paul Marx:
Emotional Energies Trump Material Self-interest [471]

Dorothee Bohle:
What Is the Deep Story of America’s Far Right? [473]

Martin Kohli:
Scaling the Empathy Wall [476]

Běžné recenze

Liudvika Leišytė:
Julian L. Garritzmann: The Political Economy of Higher Education Finance. The Politics of Tuition Fees and Subsidies in OECD Countries, 1945–2015 [479]

Lenka Vráblíková:
Maria Do Mar Pereira: Power, Knowledge and Feminist Scholarship: An Ethnography of Academia [481]

Kamil Marcinkiewicz:
Anna Gwiazda: Democracy in Poland: Representation, Participation, Competition and Accountability since 1989 [484]

Sergiu Delcea:
Rogers Brubaker: Trans: Gender and Race in an Age of Unsettled Identities [486]

Bohuslav Pernica:
Jennifer Mittelstadt: The Rise of the Military Welfare State [489]

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