Seminář Ústavu termomechaniky

je organizován Ústavem termomechaniky AV ČR, v. v. i.
obvykle každou první středu v měsíci od 10:00
v posluchárnách B nebo A (výjimečně C - klub) v hlavní budově Ústavu termomechaniky AV ČR, v. v. i., (kontaktní informace zde)


Program semináře: 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014

 Příští přednáška:

středa 13. února 2019 v 10:00, posluchárna B

Theoretical and implementation problems of the multi-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation analysis using the Finite Element Method

Dr. Jiří Náprstek
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
The Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague

Fokker–Planck equation is one of the most important tools for investigation of dynamic systems under random excitation. Finite Element Method represents very effective solution possibility particularly when transition processes are investigated or more detailed solution is needed. However, a number of specific problems must be overcome. They follow predominantly from the large multi-dimensionality of the Fokker–Planck equation, shape of the definition domain and usual requirements on the nature of the solution which are out of a conventional practice of the Finite Element employment. Unlike earlier studies it is coming to light that multi-dimensional simplex elements are the most suitable to be deployed. Moreover, new original algorithms for the multi-dimensional mesh generating were developed as well as original procedure of the governing differential and algebraic systems assembling and subsequent analysis. Finally, an illustrative example is presented together with aspects typical for the problem with large multi-dimensionality.

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