
Memorandum signed between Mu’tah University and the Institute of Scientific Instruments

Memorandum signed between Mu’tah University and the Institute of Scientific Instruments

Fri Jan 25 13:28:03 CET 2019

In January 2019, Doctor Alexandr Knápek from the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS visited Mu’tah University in Jordan, bringing with him a new machine developed in Brno specifically for Mu’tah. On this occasion, a press release was published, informing about December’s signing of a memorandum of understanding between these two institutions.

“The cooperation started in August 2018 when Jordanian physicist, Professor Marwan S. Mousa visited the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS in Brno, making a public presentation of his scientific work which is related mainly to development of composite auto-emission cathodes for electron microscopy,” Knápek said.

“As a part of this cooperation, the Brno institute has developed a special machine for the Jordanian university. The machine’s purpose is to form tips of auto-emission cathodes. It will be used in further scientific cooperation during research of cold emissions of electrons but also in education of students in master’s programmes,” explained Knápek who had personally brought a prototype of this machine to Jordan. “An interest in deeper cooperation in education and exchange of students was explicitly mentioned by the university’s vicepresident, Professor Nidal Hawamdeh,” Knápek added.

The Jordanian university considers Knápek’s visit a proof on the seriousness of the academic cooperation. Professor Mousa has called the memorandum a bridge to strengthen means of mutual scientific cooperation in the near future.

The press release has been published by the Jordanian news agency Petra in a nationwide newspaper and also made available on the website of the university. Its full text (in Arabic) can be found here.

On the photo (left to right): Professor Rateb Btoush, Professor Nidal Hawamdeh, Doctor Alexandr Knápek, Professor Marwan Mousa, Doctor Amer Ukaily

Prepared by: Pavla Schieblová, Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS, and Milan Pohl, Department of Media Communication of the Head Office of the CAS
Photo: Mu’tah University