On highly eccentric stellar trajectories interacting with a self-gravitating disc Vladimir Karas 11.01.2005 10:00
Aspects of black holes and black rings in higher dimensional spacetimes: ultrarelativistic boosts and external magnetic fields Marcello Ortaggio 22.03.2005 10:00
Motion of charged particles in electromagnetic and gravitational fields Jaroslava Schovancova 19.04.2005 10:00
The contribution of type Ia supernovae to the determination of cosmological parameters Martine Mouchet 26.04.2005 10:00
Lecture Day: Two lectures and discussion on high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations Ronald Remillard, Jeffrey McClintock, Shoji Kato 03.09.2005 10:00
Lecture Day: Various topics from dynamics of galaxies and interstelar medium Jan Palous, Joachim Koppen, Dieter Breitschwerdt, Verena Baumgartner, Christian Theis, Adam Ruzicka, Simone Recchi, Pavel Jachym, Bruno Jungwiert 12.09.2005 10:00
Relativity mini-workshop Vladimir Karas, Jindrich Dolansky, Jaroslava Schovancova, Norbert Pozar, Jiri Horak, Jiri Svoboda, Ladislav Subr, Vojtech Pravda, Tomas Pechacek 19.12.2005 13:00