Teorie vědy / Theory of Science

TEORIE VEDY / THEORY OF SCIENCE is a peer-reviewed academic journal founded in 1969. It has been systematically devoted to integral study of science and technology. The journal focuses on the inquiry into philosophical and methodological principles of scientific knowledge. It traces the interrelationship of science, technology, and society; the problems of the historical development of science and knowledge; and the interdisciplinary relations across and within Humanities, Social, Natural, and Life Sciences. Currently, the journal is listed in databases Scopus, ERIH PLUS, EBSCO, CEJSH.

Current Issue: 
Vol 40, No 1 (2018)




Theory of Science goes Open Access

We are happy to inform you that as of this year Theory of Science is a fully Open Access journal under the CC BY license.  
Posted: 2019-01-14

Older issues of Theory of Science now freely available


We would like to inform you that older issues of Theory of Science (from 1990 onwards) are now freely available in the Digital Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

Posted: 2019-01-07

Call for Papers: "Experiments and Transgressions in Social Scientific Writing"

Call for papers for a thematic issue of the journal Theory of Science.  
Posted: 2018-04-27 More...
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