- About us
- Institute structure
- »Management
- »Institute Board
- »The Supervisory Board
- »Department of Aeronomy
- »Department of Upper Atmosphere
- »Department of Climatology
- »Department of Space Physics
- »Department of Meteorology
- »Group of Numerical Simulations of Heliospheric Plasmas
- »Technical and Economic Management
- »Library
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Cooperation with universities to implement bachelor, master and doctoral studies
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
- bachelor studies: Physics
- master studies: Meteorology and climatology, Physics of Plasmas and Ionized Media
- doctoral studies: Meteorology and climatology, Space Physics
Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague
- bachelor studies: Physical Geography
- master studies: Physical Geography
- doctoral studies: Physical Geography and Geoecology and Animal Physiology
Faculty of Transportation, Czech Technical University
- bachelor studies: Profesional pilot
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, University of Pardubice
- bachelor studies: Informational Technologies, Electrical Engineering and Informatics
- master studies: Electrical Engineering and Informatics
- doctoral studies: Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Czech University of Life Sciences
- master studies: Natural Resources and Environment
Faculty of Environment, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem
- master studies: Ecology and environment protection