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Project: Impact of brown coal quarries hydric reclamation on microclimate, air quality, water and soil ecosystems
Evaluation of air quality in relationship with the status of reclamated areas and lake flooding - Air pollution maps of the Most lake surroundings - Impact of the lake on the microclimate of the surrounding area modelled by a mathematical model - Hydrobiological report on the lake state - Description of flora and fauna of litoral zones and nearby area
Řešitel: VÚHU a.s. Spoluřešitelé: ÚFA, ÚJEP
Funded by: TA ČR. TA01020592
Duration: 2011-2014
Investigator: Sokol, Z.
Tým: Bartůňková K., Pešice P., Řezáčová D., Chládová Z., Kerum J., Fišák J.
Created by Ústav fyziky atmosféry AV ČR, v. v. i.
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