Conference: The Local and the Regional Dimensions of 1918/19. A Comparison

Datum konání: 
4. 10. 2018, 0:00 to 6. 10. 2018, 0:00

Venue: Prague, Villa Lanna & Goethe Institute

Organizers: Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Science, Prague; Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague; Free University of Bozen-Bolzano; Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Studies, Dresden




4. 10. 2018 Goethe Institute, Prague

  • 18.00 Introduction
  • 18.15 Keynote: Jörn Leonhard (Freiburg i. Br.), Overburdened Peace: Competing Visions of World Order in 1918/19


5. 10. 2018 Vila Lanna, Prague

8.30-9.00: Registration

9.00-11.15 Panel 1 Claiming the Province/Mobilization

Chair: Boris Barth (Prague)

  • Adam Lupták (Oxford), ‘I have done more for the republic in Teschen in one hour than he has done in his entire life’: Czech disabled veterans and the Teschen plebiscite
  • Tamás Révész (Vienna), Borderlands of the heroes? The military mobilization and its limits in Carinthia and Eastern Hungary in 1918-1919 from a comparative perspective
  • Jakub Beneš (Birmingham), Soldiers, revolution, and memory in the post-Habsburg countryside: Moravia and Slavonia compared
  • Etienne Boisserie (Paris), Anchor the Czechoslovak state’s authority in Slovakia in winter 1918/19: challenges and tools

11:15-11:30 Coffee break

11.30-12.30 Panel 2 Imagining the Province

Chair: Christoph Cornelissen (Frankfurt)

  • Jonathan Gumz (Birmingham), Constituting the Local, constituting the international in post-war East-Central Europe
  • Victoria Shmidt (Brno), Institutional violence against the Roma in Czechoslovak periphery: The role of moral campaigns concerning infectious diseases

12.30-14.00 Lunch Break

14.00-15.15 Panel 2 (cont.)

  • Sebastian Paul / Matthäus Wehowski (Dresden), A new beginning for democracy and nation states in the tri-border region Germany - Poland - Czechoslovakia after the “Great War” (1918-1923). A transnational comparison on the local level
  • Klaus Richter (Birmingham), The end of German occupation and the role of flax and timber trade in early statebuilding efforts in Poland and the Baltics (1918 – 1920)

15.15-15.45 Coffee break

15.45-17.15 Panel 3 Constructing New Borders

Chair: Oswald Überegger (Bozen-Bolzano)

  • Peter Thaler (Odense), The heartstrings of Europe
  • Martin Klatt (Odense), The imperfectness of the category of “National Minority” to resolve regional dimensions of Post WW I re-borderings, illustrated by the Schleswig example on the Danish-German border
  • Mikuláš Zvánovec (Prague), 1918 and its meaning for the activity of Czech and German national defence associations in Czechoslovakia


6. 10. 2018 Vila Lanna, Prague

10.00-11.30 Panel 4 Living Through Passage

Chair: Rudolf Kučera (Prague)

  • Marco Bresciani (Verona), Trieste in transition: state- and nation-buildingin a post-Habsburg town (1918-1922).
  • Konstantin Mitrache (Bucharest), The transitory Republic of Banat: a republican experiment in Central Europe at the end of World War I (1918-1919)
  • Martin Klečacký (Prague), Local administrative elite in the time of state-building in the case of Bohemian district offices.

11.30-12.45 Lunch Break

12.45-14.15 Panel 5 Violence

Chair: Ota Konrád (Prague)

  • Florian Grafl (Munich), 1918 and its impact on regional violence in Catalonia
  • Béla Bodó (Bonn), Innocence lost: political violence, antisemitism and the changing identity of Hungarian Jews 1918-1924
  • Maciej Górny (Warsaw), Eastern Galicia in fire. 1919 Polish-Ukrainian war and military-civilian relations

14.15-15.00 Concluding debate


Programme (pdf)

Call for Papers (pdf)

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