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Project: Long-term changes in the atmosphere-ionosphere system
Human activities affect the atmosphere by pollution, which causes long-term changes/trends in the atmosphere-ionosphere system. Trends in the upper and lower atmosphere have been studied almost separately. Now we join trend studies in the mesosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere, and in the stratosphere and to some extent also in the troposphere towards creating a global scenario (vertically) of long-term changes, which is the primary objective of the project. The second objective is to reduce discrepancies in trends in the F2 region ionosphere, MLT (mesosphere-lower thermosphere) dynamics, and MLT water vapour. The third one is to improve quantification of relative roles of individual drivers of trends and to search for their changing mutual role and respective changes in trends in the middle and upper atmosphere and ionosphere. The project will result in scenario of trends from the lower stratosphere up to the upper thermosphere and ionosphere as a part of environmental changes.
Funded by: GA ČR. GAP209/10/1792
Duration: 2010-2014
Investigator: Laštovička, J.
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