Generally, critical evaluation of the current economic situation prevailed positive evaluation. . The highest degree of satisfaction was recorded in Czech Republic (12% good, 41% - bad economic situation, 42 % no good or bad), and the highest in Slovakia (70% bad, 2% good). Lower degree of satisfaction is in Hungary, where almost a half or citizens (48%) critically consider current economic situation, only 1 out of 20 citizens stated positive evaluation.

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Almost a half of czech population older than 15 years think, they can find a job in their region, but it is difficult to find a suitable job there. Only 3 % of Czech citizens say there is no problem to find any job in their region, on contrary almost two fifths of respondents expressed their opinion, that it is difficult to find any job in their region. 7% of citizens suppose to find a job to be impossible in their region.

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In the case of losing a job, people would usually look for a new one, usually a specific job that would correspond to their idea of a new job defined in advance (62%) More than one third of respondents (37%) stated that they would accept any job in this situation. Highly qualified people, chiefmen, self- gainfully employed, respondents with good standart of living, university graduates, people with passed secondary school leaving exam, students would usually look for a specific job.

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Two thirds of czech citizens indicated that the current level of unemployment in our country to be too high. 3 out of 10 respondents are worried about posible increase of unemployment in next two years , almost a half of respondents believe that rate of unemployment will remain the same and more than a tenth suppose that rate of unemploment will decrease.In comparism to year 2000 the current results of this survey are most optimistic .

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Past course of economic transformation was a bit critically evaluated : 28 % of respondents consider the transformation to have been unsuccesful, 37 % of respondents chose the answer „half succesful - half unsuccesful, almost a fifth of citizens regard it to have been succesful. Evaluation of course of economic transformation has improved since 1999.University graduetes, students, people with good standart of living, ODS Party followers judge better economic transformation.

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Three quarters of czech citizens think, that their standart of living remained unchaged,after the Czech Republic became a member of European Union. 5% of respondents stated that their standart of living had improved , 15% of repondents stated that their standart of living. had worsened during EU membership of the Czech Republic . Public worries about worsening their standart of living connected with membership of Czech Republic in EU were not almost fulfilled.

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In April CVVM focused also on citizens‘ attitudes to work. Economically active Czech citizens suppose having a job to be the most important thing. The most of them consider a job, they can enjoy, to be very important. At the third place of importance

was stated a job, that brings a lot of money. Almost 8 out of 10 economically active Czech citizens think, they have job, that is useful for society and same number of repondents stated they have job, that they enjoy.

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More than three fifths of economically active Czech citizens are satisfied with their jobs. Another three out of ten respondents state that they are half satisfied and half unsatisfied. Job dissatisfaction was expressed by only 8% of respondents. Entrepreneurs and sole-traders are more satisfied with their jobs than people who are employees.

Chiefs and high qualified specialized workers are most satisfied employees.

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In April 2005, 36% of respondents characterised the standard of living of their household to be good, 22% share the opposite opinion and 41% of respondents characterised it as neither good nor bad. 6% of citizens indicated their household to be rich, whilst 30% consider it to be poor. Almost two thirds of respondents (63%) regard their household as neither rich nor poor. Problems with current budget of their household were stated by 61% of respondents, on the other hand 35% said they have no problems with budget of the household.

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61% of czech citizens indicate current economic situation of Czech Republic positively.

(when 3 % indicate it as very good, and 58 % probably good). On contrary 37 % judge it critically,when 34 % of these indicate it as probably bad, and 3 % very bad. On a ladder (top ten according to public opinion on economic situation) with other monitored states, Czech Republic share third and fourth place together with Hungary, when the first and second position is occupied by Germany and Austria.

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