In October 2009 CVVM investigated on public attitudes towards former communist regime. Only 15 % of respondents consider former communist regime to be good and on the contrary 80 % of respondents is against hypothetical return of communism in the Czech Republic.


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As a part of February survey there were also some questions focused on interest of Czech citizens in political events in their country as well in the world, involvement of Czech citizens in political and public life, respondents´ attitudes to public activities and public opinions of chances that people have to influence public events.


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In March 2009 CVVM focused on public opinion about politicians and factors influencing a decision-making process. Czech people believe that corruption, lobbying and special interest groups have the biggest influence on decisions of politicians. On the contrary, many people think that scientists, researchers and citizens do not play an important role in the decision-making process.

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In March survey, the 44 % of Czech citizens expressed their opinion that mass media mainly influence decisions of politicians. Respondents also talked about influence of some monitored media upon decisions of politicians - Czech Television and Nova TV have the biggest influence upon decisions of politicians. According to respondents´ opinion daily MF Dnes has strong influence upon decisions of politicians.

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Public attitude to form of political system

As a part of February survey made by CVVM SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i. there were some questions about respondents´ opinions of form of political system.


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In february 2009 CVVM posed a few questions on how can people influence decision making and how they should be able to influence so. Majority was willing to leave government's decisions to politicians (59 %) but on the other hand the informants claimed to have a right to decide about an important legal acts in a plebiscite (65 %).


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Public attitude to form of political system

As a part of February survey made by CVVM SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i. there were some questions about respondents´ opinions of form of political system.

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Within its October survey CVVM focused on the subject of comparison of today's situation and the situation before November 1989. Respondents compared then and present situation from their personal viewpoint in general as well as in some concrete particular aspects and they also were expressing their meaning to a question, if the change of system has repaid itself or not. The information consists also a comparison of new data with previous results.

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The results of March survey CVVM show us that Czech citizens mostly discuss about political topics with their family members and friends. Before survey at least once a week a half of respondents (50 %) discussed political topics with family members and 53 % people talked about it with friends or colleagues. Only 7 % of Czech citizens spoke about it with other people and 4 % of respondents with publicly active person.

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As a part of February survey there were also some questions focused on interest of Czech citizens in political events in their country as well in the world, involvement of Czech citizens in political and public life, respondents´ attitudes to public activities leading to legislative changes and public opinions of chances that people have to influence public events.

Interest in political events divided Czech society in two parts – 50 % of respondents told our interviewers that they are interested in political events in general (answers – definitely interested and rather interested) and other half of people said that they are not interested in political events (definitely not interested and rather not interested).

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