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postdoc position - GPDH


Department of bioenergetics, Institute of Physiology CAS is looking for highly motivated postdoctoral fellow with Ph.D. or equivalent degree to work on GA CR (Czech Science Foundation) funded project:


Mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase as a target for anti-tumour therapies

Mitochondrial FAD-dependent glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (mGPDH) is inducible and highly tissue/cell specific enzyme typically active in glycolytic cells.  Main aim of this project is to verify mGPDH as a potential druggable target in tumour cells and confidently identify those cancer cell lines which are negatively affected by traditional and novel mGPDH inhibitors. Project will include work on tumour cell lines, biochemical characterisation of inhibitors’ mode of action and data mining for tumour types, which are dependent on mGPDH.

Successful candidate will report to project’s PI (Dr Alena Pecinova) and the head of department (Dr Tomas Mracek). You will get the opportunity to become a member of our young and dynamic team based in state of the art facilities within the biomedical campus of the Czech Academy of Sciences located at the outskirts of Prague. For details about the department, you can check our webpage:  http://fgu.cas.cz/en/departments/bioenergetics


Applicants should fulfil following criteria:

  • Have completed the PhD before start of the contract.
  • Have a strong track record in one or more of the following areas: biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, or animal physiology. Experience with –omics data analysis is also welcome.
  •  Be fluent in English.

Conditions of the contract:

  • Starting date: April 1, 2017 or any date thereafter
  • This is fixed term contract till December 31, 2018 but with potential for prolongation from other sources.
  • Position involves mentoring of undergraduate/PhD students within the department.
  •  Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.


The applications should be sent to tomas.mracek@fgu.cas.cz and contain:

  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • List of publications / summary of previous research experience
  • Recommendation letters or (preferably) e-mail contacts to two referees – at most one from the applicant’s current affiliation.


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