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The latest issue of periodicals

3 / 2017
The special issue of the Czech ECHO journal is exceptionally in English. The issue contains two articles evidencing countries’ benefits due to their participation in the EU Framework Programmes.
We hope the articles might contribute to evidence based discussion on the FPs. Both articles illustrate that participation in the Framework Programmes leads to spreading excellence. If you ask „how does it happen?“ then an answer can be found in this special issue of ECHO.

Ergo, Vol. 13, No. 2 - October 2018
- Zdeněk Kučera, Tomáš Vondrák: Research and development for Industry 4.0 – the position of the Czech Republic in cognitive computing and robotics
- Miroslav Kostić: Efficiency of regional innovation policy tools: Support of innovative business in the South Moravian Region
- Miroslav Kostić: Efficiency of regional innovation policy tools: Support to research-industry cooperation through the JIC Voucher programme
- Miroslav Kostić: Efficiency of regional innovation policy tools: Support to incoming talents and specialists in the South Moravian Region