- Reconstruction of historical change in mercury deposition recorded in tree rings and tree bark pockets , GACR , Maria Vaňková (Hojdová)
- Relation between elastic moduli determined by seismic methods in laboratory and in the field , GA AV , Vladimír Rudajev
- Small mammals at time of the middle Pliocene faunal turnover: aspects of faunal and phenotypic rearrangements in Central Europe , GACR , Jan Wagner
- Soluble and insoluble fraction of inorganic pollutants in various types of precipitation, their quantification and input into the ecosystems , GACR , Jan Rohovec
- The Silurian Sedgwickii Event: Carbon isotope excursion, graptolite mass extinction, sedimentary rekord , GACR , Petr Storch
- Upper mantle beneath neovolcanic zone of the Bohemian Massif: xenoliths and their host basalts , GACR , Lukáš Ackerman
- Monitoring of atmospheric deposition at National Park Bohemian Switzerland , EHP/Norsko , Tomáš Navrátil
- Chemical evolution of contrasting types of highly fractionated granitic melt using melt inclusions study , GA AV , Karel Breiter
- Evolution of the anuran assemblages during the Cretaceous in western part of North America; comparisons with the anuran fossil record in Eurasia , MŠMT , Zbyněk Roček
- Impact of soil structure on character of water flow and solute transport in soil environment , GACR , Anna Žigová