Several infrared absorption measurements such as molecular orientation, thin films on reflective surfaces and crystal structure studies are enhanced with the use of polarized light. Sequentially collected sample and reference spectra are measured using infrared polarizer accessories. Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy (IRRAS) uses p-polarized light at a grazing angle of incidence to measure thin films on metallic substrates. The reflectance measurement is done at a grazing angle to increase the polarized absorption from the thin film. Often the absorptions from these samples are...
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Semináře a workshopy oddělení 27
Minulé semináře a workshopy
Martin Nikl, Vítězslav Jarý | Luminiscenční a scintilační materiály v odd. 27 – aktivity a výsledky | 23.11.2010 13:00 |
Petr Jiříček | Studium pozice atomů Mn v GaMnAs metodou fotoelektronové spektroskopie | 16.11.2010 13:00 |
Milan Vaněček a kol. | Fotovoltaika a nové technologie | 09.11.2010 13:00 |
Development of Materials Science in Research and Education | 31.08.2010 | |
Julien Pernot | Mobility in homoepitaxial doped diamond | 20.07.2010 13:00 |
Kiyoka Okada | First direct confirmation of nano-nucleation and new nucleation theory | 19.07.2010 14:00 |
J. Kulveit, MFF UK | Nukleace kvantových teček v halogenidových matricích | 15.06.2010 13:00 |
Frank Grosse, Paul Drude Institute for Solid State Electronics, Berlin, Germany | Modeling of condensed matter systems based on ab initio results | 04.05.2010 15:00 |
Zdeněk Remeš, Alexander Kromka, Martin Ledinsky | The Rokytnice scientific and educational workshop | 11.02.2010 |
Wolfgang Braun | In situ synchtrotron x-ray diffraction analysis of molecular beam epitaxy growth | 30.10.2009 10:00 |
Oddělení optických materiálů (27)
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