Center for Computational Materials Science

Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Head: Prof. Dr. Václav Janiš
Co-ordinator: Dr. Jan Kuneš, Cukrovarnicka
Co-ordinator: Dr. A. Shick , Slovanka

* People 
* Research News 
* Publications 
* Seminars 
* Computing
Major research focus:
  • Quantum theory of electrons in solids on model and ab-initio level (electron states of complex materials, spectral, magnetic and  transport properties of metals and semiconductors, their alloys, surfaces, interfaces and multilayers; electron correlations, quantum critical phenomena in itinerant systems)
  • Electron correlation effects in solid state and nanomaterials.
  • Dynamical mean-field theory and its applications to the material science.

                                    Upcoming events:
                       spolecny seminar  oddeleni 24 a naseho Centra

                                     Dr.  Ansgar Liebsch
                       Research Center Juelich        

               "Correlation induced spin freezing
                 transition in FeSe and FeAsLaO:
                 a dynamical mean field study
                          ve ctvrtek 24.06.2010 v 14.00 v Cukrovarnicke (v mistnosti vedle knihovny)

                                     2nd Czech-German theoretical workshop           

               "Strong electron correlations in d- and f-electron 

                                    June 03- June 04, Prague. Program is  posted here

  Last update 12.04.2010 by A. Shick