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8 Dec 18 - 3 Aug 21
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Quantum-Classical Ultimate Turbulence Analogies in Heat Transfer


Quantum-Classical Ultimate Turbulence Analogies in Heat Transfer

The project synergicaly connects theoretical and experimental research into ultimate regimes of transport of heat by turbulent flows of classical and quantum fluids at cryogenic temperatures. The aims are (i) to formulate a unfied model describing the heat trasnfer laws in quantum fluid (superfluid helium-4, in the so-called "quantum counterflow") and in a classical fluid (normal gaseous helium-4 in the Rayleigh-Benard convection), (ii) development of a novel and potentially groundbreaking experimental method of flow field visualisation, using laser-induced fluorescence of long-lived metastable molecular excimers He_2*, suitable for both the classical and quantum flow.

ISI investigator: 
Mgr. Michal Macek, Ph.D.
Macek Michal - Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS
Identif. Code: 
Date from: 
1. 10. 2018
Date to: 
30. 9. 2019