Valerio Bellini |
Graphene-mediated exchange coupling between magnetic molecules and substrates: a DFT view |
16.05.2018 15:00 |
Santiago Casas |
Model-independent tests of gravity with present data and future surveys |
15.05.2018 15:00 |
Atsushi Hariki |
Excitonic dispersion of the intermediate-spin state in LaCoO3 revealed by resonant inelastic X-ray scattering |
15.05.2018 15:00 |
Sergei V. Bulanov |
High Energy Photon Generation and Charged Particle Acceleration with Relativistic Mirrors |
15.05.2018 14:00 |
Pavel Galář |
Ultrafast and Fast Charge Carrier Dynamics in Halide Lead Perovskite Hybrid Nanostructures |
15.05.2018 14:00 |
Herre S.J. van der Zant |
Transport through single magnetic molecules |
15.05.2018 10:00 |
Diego Blas |
Probing dark matter properties with pulsar timing |
07.05.2018 14:00 |
Peter Tinyakov |
Compact stars as dark matter probes |
04.05.2018 14:00 |
Jan Novák |
Scalar perturbations of Galileon cosmologies in the mechanical approach in the late Universe |
03.05.2018 14:00 |
Prof. Chan Im |
Exciton Dynamics within Active Layers of Organic Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells |
27.04.2018 13:00 |