The president has been the most trustworthy constitutional institution in the long term and he enjoys trust expressed by more than three quarters of Czech citizens at this time. In the beginning of February Government with prime minister Mirek Topolánek was found trustworthy by almost a third of respondents. Traditionally the lowest numer of trustees is shared by both Chambers of Parliament. Almost a half of Czech public (46 %) trust to their Regional Council while more than two thirds of people (65 %) confide in their Local Council.

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In January survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR focused on topic President´s position in political system of the Czech Republic. This press release presents second part of results of the survey and it completes the press information published on 15 February 2007.

The other part of survey investigated citizens´ opinion on single constitutional presidental competencies and his status to appoinment of government, president’s right to dissolve Chamber of Deputies, right to call an election, right to veto and its existence, status of president to appointment of Constitutional Court judges and position of president in Foreign politics field of our country.

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As a part of first survey made in 2007 by CVVM there were questions concerning presidency and other questions focused on evaluation of some aspects of presidential function of current Czech president Václav Klaus.

We asked all respondents, what type of presidental election is the most suitable in the Czech Republic. Czech public mostly share an opinion that all voters should elect in presidential elections, this was supported by two thirds of respondents.

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In the long term president of our country has been the most trustworthy Czech constitutional institution. Currently 72 % of Czech citizens trust to president. The lowest number of trustees is shared by both Chambers of Parliament. 23 % of respondents expressed trust to Chamber of Deputies and more than one quarter (27 %) to Senate. On the other hand more people find local representations trustworthy: Regional Councils are supposed to be trustworthy by a half of Czech citizens (50 %) and almost two thirds of citizens (65 %) trust to their Local Council.

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In December survey CVVM asked respondents a question, how would they evaluate activity of some political Parties in last 12 months. They could use same evaluation as at school, where number 1 was the best evaluation and number 5 the worst one.

Survey proved that Greens were best evaluated Party (3,07), followed by ODS (3,26).KSČM and ČSSD got worse evaluation (they both share average marks over 3,5).

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Popularity of Party Representatives

In December CVVM SOÚ AV ČR investigated, whether respondents trust to selected politicians. They were shown a list with 26 names of top politicians represented in Chamber of Deputies.

Among party representatives Vlasta Parkanová (58 %) was found the most trustworthy. Chief magistrate Pavel Bém found himself on the second position trusted by 50 % of trustees.

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In CVVM survey which was made within project Our society 2006 in December 2006 we asked our respondents a question whether they trust to constitutional institutions. Question about public confidence in constitutional institutions is regular part of CVVM surveys which help us to monitor public confidence during time. In the long term president of our country has been the most trustworthy Czech constitutional institution.

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About three fifths of citizens perceive Senate as useless institution, which establishment was wasting of money, on contrary more than a fourth of Czech population do not agree with it. More than a half of Czech citizens agree with statement that establishment of the Senate was supported by political parties just to fortify their position, on the other hand only a quarter of respondents denied that.

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In CVVM survey which was made within project Our society 2006 in October 2006 we asked our respondents a question whether they trust to constitutional institutions. Question about public confidence in constitutional institutions is regular part of CVVM surveys which help us to monitor public confidence during time. In the long term president of our country has been the most trustworthy Czech constitutional institution.

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Popularity of Top Politicians

CVVM SOÚ AV ČR in October survey investigated how respondents trust to selected politicians (see table 1 and 2). They were shown a list with 23 names of top politicians from political Parties reprezented in Chamber of Deputies.

Among Party leaders Vlasta Parkanová enjoys the highest trust expressed by respondets (53 %).She is followed by Prague city mayor Pavel Bém (44 % of trustees).

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