In CVVM survey which was made within project Our society 2006 in October 2006 we asked our respondents a question whether they trust to constitutional institutions. Question about public confidence in constitutional institutions is regular part of CVVM surveys which help us to monitor public confidence during time. In the long term president of our country has been the most trustworthy Czech constitutional institution.

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Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation.

In CVVM survey which was made within project Our society 2006 in September 2006 we asked our respondents a question whether they trust to constitutional institutions. Question about public confidence in constitutional institutions is regular part of CVVM surveys which help us to monitor public confidence during time.

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CVVM Sociologického ústavu AV ČR zjišťovalo v květnovém šetření, zda dotázaní důvěřují vybraným ústavním činitelům (viz tabulky 1 a 2). Předložený seznam obsahoval jména 26 politiků. Do výzkumu byli vedle standardně zařazovaných členů vlády, prezidenta, předsedů Senátu a Poslanecké sněmovny a předsedů parlamentních stran tentokrát výjimečně začleněni také ombudsman a předseda Strany zelených, která má z mimoparlamentních subjektů v nadcházejících volbách největší šanci získat křesla v Poslanecké sněmovně.

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Citizen’s trust to all monitored constitutional institutions has not changed since last month. President of our country has been the most trustworthy Czech constitutional institution for over a year. In May 2006 44% of respondents supposed government to be trustworthy. The lowest number of trustees was monitored when considering both Chambers of Czech Parliament. Satisfaction with current political situation in this country has been stable for several months.

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Popularity of Top Politicians

In April survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR investigated whether respondents trust to selected politicians. They were a shown a list of names of 25 represantatives of Parties presented in Chamber of Deputies . There were also included names of electoral candidates – Party leaders (Parties that appear at least in research of Party preferences )

Among Party representatives Bohuslav Sobotka enjoys the highest trust expressed by 43 % of czech citizens.

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In April 2006 we noticed increase of confidence in all monitored constitutional institutions.

President of Czech Republic is still the most trusted constitutional institution who enjoys trust expressed by three quarters of czech citizens (73%). Czech government has relatively high number of trustees (44%). As usual both Chambers of Parliament are supposed to be the least trustworthy. 30% of czech citizens trust to Chamber of Deputies and Senate is considered as trustworthy institution by 26% of respondents.

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Popularity of Top Politicians

In March survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR investigated how respondents trust to selected politicians.(see table 1 and 2).They were a shown a list of names of 26 politicians. (All members of Government,president,chairmen of the Chamber of Deputies and Senate, leaders of Parties represented in Parliament, chief of Constitutional Court and eurocommissioner Špidla). Among our top politicians president Václav Klaus and minister of Culture Vítězslav Jandák are supposed to be the most trustworthy politicians by almost two thirds of respondents (both 64%).

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In March 2006 public confidence in constitutional institutions returned to its level from January 2006. It seems that increase of number of those who confided in constitutional institutions in February happened just by chance and it is not the beginning of new trend. The most trustworthy constitutional institution is president who enjoys trust expressed by 68% of respondents. On the other side four out of 10 Czechs (39%) confide in czech government.

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Popularity of Top Politicians

In February survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR investigated how respondents trust to selected politicians.

They were a shown a list of names of 26 politicians. (All members of Government,president,chairmen of the Chamber of Deputies and Senate, leaders of Parties represented in Parliament, chief of Constitutional Court, eurocommissioner Špidla). Among our top politicians president Václav Klaus is found to be the most trustworthy by more than two thirds of respondents (68%), he is followed by minister of culture Vítězslav Jandák (64%).

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In February 2006 public confidence in all constitutional institutions has risen (except confidence in Local Councils) if compared with previous month. The most trustworthy institution remains president of Czech Republic . In February 2006 president enjoys trust expressed by 74% of czech citizens. Position of czech government has become better. Nowadays 44% of Czechs trust to present government. Public trust in both Chambers of czech Parliament has improved as well.

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