Technologické centrum AV ČR, 11.10.2018.
Czech Liaison Office...
The coming school will be devoted to the rapidly expanding field of “Physics at Nanoscale”. Invited speakers from leading world laboratories will present the latest progress in the research fields concentrated to nanoscale, in particular
The school is intended for young people, mainly PhD students and young researchers from both academia and companies. Participants are invited to present their research interests and results during a poster session.
A certificate of participation will be issued for recognition of the school attendance by universities.
Traditionally, the school will take place at Devět Skal in the relaxing environment of a small recreation resort hidden in the forests at the Czech-Moravian highlands, half way between Prague and Brno. The resort offers environment ideal both for discussing science as well as relaxing afterwards.
More details can be found in the Summer School web pages.