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«2018 2019 2020
87 captures
7 Jan 12 - 18 Apr 19
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Páv O., Panova N., Snášel J., Zborníková E., Rosenberg I.:
Activation of human RNase L by 2'- and 5'-O-methylphosphonate-modified olygoadenylates.
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters 22 (1): 181-185, 2012.

Křížová I., Hadravová R., Štokrová J., Günterová J., Doležal M., Ruml T., Rumlová M., Pichová I.:
The G-Patch Domain of Mason-Pfizer Monkey Virus Is a Part of Reverse Transcriptase.
Journal of Virology 68 (4): 1988-1998, 2012.

Hadravová R., de Marco A., Ulbrich P., Štokrová J., Doležal M., Pichová I., Ruml T., Briggs J.A.G., Rumlová M.:
In Vitro Assembly of Virus-Like Particles of a Gammaretrovirus, the Murine Leukemia Virus XMRV.
Journal of Virology 86 (3): 1297-1306, 2012.

Dostál J., Brynda J., Hrušková O., Pachl P., Pichová I., Řezáčová P.:
The crystal structure of protease Sapp1p from Candida parapsilosis in complex with the HIV protease inhibitor ritonavir.
Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 27 (1): 160-165, 2012.

Bednárová L., Palacký J., Bauerová V., Hrušková O., Pichová I., Mojzeš P.:
Raman Microspectroscopy of the Yeast Vacuoles.
Spectroscopy 27 (5-6): 503-507, 2012.

Bauerová V., Pichová I., Hrušková O.:
Nitrogen source and growth stage of Candida albicans influence expression level of vacuolar aspartic protease Apr1p and carboxypeptidase Cpy1p.
Canadian Journal of Microbiology 58 (5): 678-681, 2012.

Bharat T.A.M., Davey N.E., Ulbrich P., Riches J.D, de Marco A., Rumlová M., Sachse C., Ruml T., Briggs J.A.G.:
Structure of the immature retroviral capsid at 8 A resolution by cryo-electron microscopy.
Nature 487: 385-389, 2012.

Kříž M., Snášel J., Kopecký V. Jr., Páv O., Rosenberg I., Stěpánek J.:
Structural changes of human RNaseL upon homodimerization studied by Raman spectroscopy.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1824: 1039-1044, 2012.

Grishina A., Stanchev S., Kumprecht L., Buděšínský M., Pojarová M., Dušek M., Rumlová M., Křížová I., Rulíšek L., Kraus T.:
Beta-Cyclodextrin Duplexes That Are Connected through Two Disulfide Bonds: Potent Hosts for the Complexation of Organic Molecules.
Chemistry - A European Journal 18: 12292-12304, 2012.

Jarau S., Žáček P., Šobotník J., Vrkoslav V., Hadravová R., Coppée A., Vašíčková S., Jiroš P.,Valterová I.:
Leg tendon glands in male bumblebees (Bombus terrestris): structure, secretion chemistry, and possible functions.
Naturwissenschaften 99: 1039-1049, 2012.

Dostál J., Brynda J., Hrušková-Heidingsfeldová O., Pachl P., Pichová I., Řezáčová P.:
The crystal structure of protease Sapp1p from Candida parapsilosis in complex with the HIV protease inhibitor ritonavir.
Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 27: 160-165, 2012.