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Economic transformation after 1989 and the global economic recession that began in 2008 have caused an increase in precarious work in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. As a result of refamilialization, precarious work acquired a specific form for women.
The article compares the development of policies pertaining to care for preschool children in
the course of the second half of the 20th century in France and in the Czech Republic. It aims at
identifying the key factors that led to the differentiation of the policies and institutions in the two
countries, especially with respect to support for extra-familial care and formal care institutions
The article compares the development of policies pertaining to care for preschool children in
the course of the second half of the 20th century in France and in the Czech Republic. It aims at
identifying the key factors that led to the differentiation of the policies and institutions in the two
countries, especially with respect to support for extra-familial care and formal care institutions
Childcare Preferences of Parents in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. In spite of recent economic and social developments in the EU and related pressures on labour market participation, family policies in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic are very familialistic.
Cílem této studie je přinést do českého prostředí první poznatky o genderu a energetice a ukázat, proč a jak genderovou rovnost v oblasti energetiky začít sledovat. Vycházely jsme přitom z pojetí energetiky, které chápe energetiku jako ukotvenou v sociálních institucích a ovlivněnou společenskými hodnotami.
Kvalitativní studie se zaměřila na problematiku rovného přístupu žen (a mužů) do manažerských a řídicích pozic v jednom sociálním a jednom konvenčním podniku v České republice. Výsledky studie prokazují nedostatek genderové citlivosti k diskriminaci na základě genderu, opakování genderových stereotypů a chybějící interní politiku (formální postupy) na podporu žen ve vedoucích pozicích ve sledovaných firmách.
The qualitative study is focused on the issue of equal access of women (and men) into managerial and decision-making positions in a social enterprise and conventional one in the Czech Republic. The results of the study reflect a lack of focus on gender equality, low sensitivity to gender based discrimination, recurrence of gender stereotypes and the lack of internal policies (formal procedures) to promote women in leadership positions in the surveyed firms.
Na základě kvalitativního výzkumu žen, které v minulosti pečovaly nebo pečují o své stárnoucí matky, popisujeme a vysvětlujeme faktory vedoucí k převaze žen v neformální rodinné péči o seniory. Vycházíme z teorie Sandry Harding a Joan W. Scott, které definují gender jako kategorii fungující na několika vzájemně propojených úrovních.
Economic transformation after 1989 and the global economic recession that began in 2008 have caused an increase in precarious work in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. As a result of refamilialization, precarious work acquired a specific form for women.
Employees in many European countries do have at their disposal various working-time options. Shorter working hours, leave options and flexible working-time arrangements enable employees to adjust their working time to meet their needs over the life course. The current study presents new national studies on working time options over the life course in five European countries.
This article develops a critical analysis of transformations of the idea and practice of women’s emancipation in late-modern Western society under the influence of globalizing advanced capitalism. It builds on analyses of feminist critical theory and critical globalization studies and argues that global capitalism initiates processes in which the practice of emancipation is distorted.
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