RETREND, 29.1.2019.
Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR postaví v...
Karel Výborný | Terahertz Spectroscopy of Artificial Graphene | 22.01.2015 14:00 |
Jan Zemen | Ab initio study of piezomagnetic effect in Mn-antiperovskites | 01.12.2014 10:00 |
Martin Veis | Magneto-optical spectroscopy and ellipsometry of nanostructures | 28.07.2014 10:00 |
Aurélien Manchon / Dominique Givord | Spin-Orbit Caloritronics / Electric Field Effects on Magnetism in Metals | 14.03.2014 10:00 |
Jan Mašek a Jakub Železný | Electronic structure of MnTe: Restrospective and news | 04.02.2014 15:00 |
Jeongsu Lee | Nodal ”ground states” and orbital textures in semiconductor quantum dots | 26.11.2013 13:00 |
Alex Matos–Abiague | Spin-orbit coupling fields in hybrid ferromagnet/semiconductor heterostructures | 17.05.2013 10:00 |
Rouin Farshchi | Spin injection in ferromagnet/semiconductor hybrid structures: building blocks to spintronic circuits | 16.05.2013 14:00 |
Sergej Moroz | Super Efimov effect | 04.04.2013 11:00 |
Roland Winkler | Emergent Electromagnetism in Bilayer Graphene | 16.04.2012 11:00 |
RETREND, 29.1.2019.
Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR postaví v...
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